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9 posts tagged with "swimming"

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· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Today marked a significant milestone in my swimming journey as I completed a remarkable 4-kilometer swim in the evening. It was a challenging yet deeply rewarding experience that pushed me to my limits and left me feeling immensely grateful for how far I've come.

4km Swimming in April 2024 - Apr 2024

4km Swimming Session, Apr 2024

The statistics speak volumes about the intensity and duration of this swim. Clocking in at 1 hour, 37 minutes, and 45 seconds, I covered a distance of 4 kilometers, burning a total of 839 kilocalories in the process. These numbers are a testament to the dedication and perseverance required to undertake such a feat.

Reflecting on my previous achievements, I realized that the last time I swam a distance of 5 kilometers was back in September 2023. Prior to that, I accomplished the same distance in April 2023. Each of these sessions typically lasted between 1.5 to 2 hours of continuous swimming, making today's achievement all the more significant.

One aspect that particularly pleased me was the distribution of my heart rate zones throughout the swim. The bulk of my time was spent in Zone 4, indicating a sustained effort and a strong cardiovascular response. It's moments like these that reaffirm the importance of consistency and dedication in achieving fitness goals.

Heart Rate Zones - Apr 2024

Heart Rate Zone Splits, Apr 2024

But beyond the physical aspect, this swim was also a reminder of the immense gratitude I feel towards everyone who has supported me on this journey. From coaches and trainers to friends and family, their encouragement and belief in me have been instrumental in reaching this milestone. I am truly blessed to have such a supportive network cheering me on every step of the way.

As I bask in the satisfaction of today's accomplishment, I am filled with a renewed sense of determination to continue pushing my boundaries and striving for new heights. With each stroke, I am reminded of the limitless potential that lies within me, ready to be unleashed through hard work and perseverance.

In conclusion, today's 4-kilometer swim was not just a physical achievement, but a testament to the power of dedication, perseverance, and gratitude. It's a reminder that with the right mindset and support system, anything is possible. And as I look ahead to future challenges, I do so with confidence, knowing that I am capable of achieving whatever I set my mind to.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

As the sun peeks over the horizon, casting its golden hues across the sky, there's an irresistible allure to dive into the tranquil waters of the swimming pool. However, for a night owl like me, the thought of rising with the birds to catch a 6 am swim seemed like a distant dream. But with the arrival of warmer temperatures signaling the end of winter, I've embarked on a mission to reset my sleep routine and embrace the refreshing morning swim.

The Challenge of Early Mornings

Waking up early has never been my forte. The allure of the snooze button and the warmth of my cozy blankets often tempted me to linger in bed a little longer. However, as the desire to swim daily in the morning grew stronger, I knew I had to make a change.

Sunrise and Serenity

One of the motivating factors behind my newfound commitment to early mornings is the opportunity to soak in the beauty of the sunrise. There's something magical about witnessing the world awaken as the sun paints the sky with its vibrant colors. It's a serene and invigorating start to the day that sets the tone for positivity and productivity.

The Importance of Sleep Hygiene

To ensure I'm bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for my morning swim, I've adopted a few sleep hygiene practices. Firstly, bidding farewell to screen time after 9 pm, with the exception of my trusty Kindle, has proven to be a game-changer. This allows my mind to unwind and prepare for restful sleep.

Embracing the Cozy Environment

While the allure of a cozy environment can make it challenging to leave the comfort of my bed, I've found ways to strike a balance. Investing in comfortable bedding and creating a calming bedtime routine has made the transition easier. After all, who wouldn't want to snuggle up in a cocoon of warmth?

The Kindle Exception

As a regular reader, banning all screens before bedtime seemed like a daunting prospect. However, the Kindle's gentle glow and the escapism of a good book have become a cherished part of my pre-sleep ritual. It's the perfect compromise between relaxation and restfulness.

In conclusion, resetting my sleep routine to accommodate early morning swimming has been a journey of discipline and determination. By prioritizing sleep hygiene, embracing the beauty of sunrise, and finding comfort in a cozy environment, I've set myself up for success. So, here's to rising with the sun and diving into a new day refreshed and rejuvenated.

· 4 min read
Gaurav Parashar

When it comes to sports in India, cricket has long been the undisputed champion in terms of popularity. However, in recent years, swimming has gained significant traction among fitness enthusiasts and individuals looking for a refreshing way to stay active. But the question often arises: Is swimming an expensive sport in India? Let's explore the costs associated with this enjoyable and health-conscious activity.

Swimming Pools and Membership Costs

Swimming is undoubtedly an accessible sport in India, even in major metros like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Many cities across the country have public and private swimming pools that cater to individuals of all ages and skill levels. The cost of swimming, in particular, the annual membership fees, can vary significantly depending on the location and the type of pool.

In metropolitan cities, the annualized fee for hobby swimmers typically ranges from Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000 per year. It is possible to find a pool for an annualized fee of Rs 15,000 or even lower in tier 2 and tier 3 cities, making it an affordable option for residents of smaller towns.

Swimming Gear: Essentials and Options

To start swimming as a hobby, you don't need to invest heavily in gear. Here are the essential swimming items for men:

1. Swimming Trunk: These are lightweight and designed for water activities. They are comfortable and allow for ease of movement in the water. Trunks that I use or have used: Speedo Adult Male Essential Endurance Jammer and Men Swimming Boxer Black

2. Goggles: Protecting your eyes from chlorine and ensuring clear vision underwater is crucial. Good quality goggles can be found at reasonable prices. Goggles that I use or have used: Speedo Aquapulse Pro Mirror and GOGGLES 900 B-FAST BLACK RED MIRROR

3. Swimming Cap: A swimming cap helps keep your hair away from your face and protects it from chlorine damage. It's a must-have accessory. Goggles that I use or have used: Swimming Cap Silicone Unisize Print Geo Grey

These three items are the basics you'll need for an enjoyable swimming experience. However, it's worth mentioning that purchasing flippers (I use Swimming Short Fins Easyfins Grey) or hand flippers (I use PADDLE QUICK'IN 500 M BLACK YELLOW) is only necessary in specific situations. These are generally used for intensive training or competitive swimming. As a hobby swimmer, you can do without them, saving additional costs.

Additional Costs and Considerations

While the core expenses of swimming in India are relatively affordable, there are a few additional costs and considerations to keep in mind:

1. Swim Lessons: If you're a beginner, you might consider taking swimming lessons to improve your technique and build confidence. These lessons can be an additional expense, but they are valuable for your swimming journey.

2. Pool Access Rules: Some swimming pools have strict rules regarding swimwear and hygiene. You may need to invest in a few extra swim caps or a pair of swim goggles as backups.

3. Swimming Clubs and Competitions: If you decide to take your swimming to a competitive level or join a swimming club, there may be higher associated costs, including coaching fees and competition expenses.

Swimming is not an expensive sport in India, especially if you approach it as a hobby or a fitness activity. The costs of annual pool memberships and essential gear are reasonable and accessible to people across different cities and income levels. So, if you've been contemplating taking up swimming as a way to stay fit and have fun, don't let concerns about the cost hold you back. Dive right in and enjoy the many benefits of this fantastic sport!

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

As I look back on the year 2023, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude and amazement. Why, you ask? Because I achieved a goal that, in March 2022, I would not have believed possible - swimming a total of 200 kilometers in the next year. This monumental swimming journey has not only been a personal triumph but has also taught me invaluable lessons about perseverance, growth, and the power of setting ambitious goals.

200km swimming in 2023 of Gaurav Parashar, Gurgaon - 17 September 2023

From Novice to 200 Kilometers

My obsession with swimming began as a tentative step into uncharted waters. In March 2022, I was a beginner, barely comfortable in the water. The idea of swimming 200 kilometers within a single year seemed nothing short of a fantasy. But I decided to dive headfirst into this challenge, both figuratively and literally.

I embarked on a journey of learning, training, and dedication. Every lap in the pool became a stroke closer to my goal. I engaged a coach via Cultfit (then Fitso) to refine my technique, set achievable milestones, and steadily increased my swimming distance each week. The water became my sanctuary, and every swim was a step toward conquering my doubts and limitations.

A Paradigm for Personal Growth

Beyond the kilometers swum, this endeavor became a powerful metaphor for life itself. Swimming taught me that even the most daunting goals can be achieved with perseverance and dedication. It became a reminder that the only limits that truly matter are the ones we set for ourselves.

As I pushed my boundaries in the pool, I realized that the principles of learning, growth, and resilience could be applied to any aspect of life. Swimming became a grounding experience, offering paradigms for tackling challenges, learning new skills, and embracing personal transformation.

Upcoming Challenge of Winter Swimming

While the summer months provided ideal conditions for my swimming journey, the arrival of winter in Gurgaon will pose a new set of challenges. Even with indoor heated pools, the temptation to stay warm and dry rather than plunge into chilly waters is hard to resist.

Winter swimming requires mental fortitude, discipline, and an unwavering commitment to one's goals. It will become a test of my determination as I try to brave the cold to continue my swimming regimen in the rest of 2023. Each stroke will become a testament to my dedication.

Gratitude for the Journey

As the year draws to a close, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Swimming 200 kilometers in 2023 was not just about covering a distance; it was a transformative journey that reshaped my perspective on what I am capable of achieving. It reaffirmed that the pursuit of ambitious goals can lead to personal growth, resilience, and a profound sense of fulfillment.

So, as I reflect on this incredible year of swimming, I am filled with gratitude for the lessons learned, the barriers broken, and the uncharted waters navigated. Swimming has become more than just a physical activity; it's a metaphor for life itself, reminding me that the only limits that truly matter are the ones we set for ourselves.

As I look ahead, I'm excited to see where this journey will lead me next, both in and out of the water. Here's to the incredible journey of 2023, and to the adventures that lie ahead in 2024 and beyond!

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be submerged in water for almost two hours? To push your physical limits and mental fortitude to the brink? Well, I experienced just that - a half marathon swim of 5 kilometers. I am happy that I completed swimming 5K in my personal best time of 1 hour, 56 minutes, and 13 seconds.

The Challenge of a Half Marathon Swim

Swimming has always been a passion of mine for the last 1.5 years now, but I wanted to push my boundaries and challenge myself like never before. A half marathon swim, which is equivalent to 5 kilometers, seemed like the perfect test of my endurance, technique, and mental strength. It's not just about the distance; it's about staying focused and determined as you slice through the water for hours on end.

Preparation and Training

Preparing for a half marathon swim is no small feat. It requires months of rigorous trainingin the pool. I followed a structured training plan that gradually increased the distance I swam each week. I also focused on improving my stroke efficiency and breathing technique to conserve energy during the long swim.

Additionally, mental preparation is crucial. If you can visualize yourself conquering each kilometer and practice mental strategies to stay calm and focused when fatigue sets in, you can do it too. It's not just a physical battle; it's a game of mental strength.

The Big Day Swimming 5K

I had decided that I will do 5km swim today and my mind had already started playing games with me while I drove to the pool. As I entered the water, excitement and nerves coursed through me. The first few kilometers went by smoothly, and I felt strong and confident. But as I reached the halfway point, I could feel some physical and mental challenges. The sensation of being underwater for almost two hours is unlike anything else. It's a mix of exhilaration and fatigue, a battle between determination and doubt. Every stroke became a testament to my training and resolve. With each breath, I drew strength from within to keep going.

When I finally touched the finish line after 1 hour, 56 minutes, and 13 seconds, a rush of emotions washed over me. I had not only completed the 5K swim, but I had also achieved a personal best time. It was a moment of triumph that I cherish.

5km swim, 16 September 2023 - Gurgaon

The Importance of Mental Strength

Swimming a half marathon is not just about physical fitness; it's a mental game. It's about pushing through the discomfort, overcoming doubts, and staying focused on the goal. The feeling of accomplishment that comes from conquering a challenge of this magnitude is indescribable.

In conclusion, swimming a 5K half marathon is a remarkable achievement that requires dedication, training, and mental fortitude. It's an experience that pushes your limits and rewards you with a profound sense of accomplishment. If you're a swimmer looking for a new challenge, I highly recommend giving it a try. Who knows, you might discover a new level of strength and resilience within yourself as you conquer the depths.

So, would you dare to take on the challenge of a half marathon swim? It's a journey worth embarking on, where every stroke takes you closer to your own personal victory.

· 4 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Swimming endurance

Swimming has always been a cherished activity for me, but it wasn't until February 2023 that I decided to take my love for the sport to a whole new level. Setting an ambitious goal of swimming 150 kilometers in a single year, I embarked on a remarkable journey that tested my determination, discipline, and physical endurance. As the months rolled by, each stroke brought me closer to my target, and on May 12, 2023, I achieved a significant milestone – swimming 100 kilometers in just 64 sessions. Today, I am thrilled to share that I have surpassed my initial goal and completed 150 kilometers in a total of 98 sessions by July 9, 2023. This accomplishment fills me with immense pride and gratitude for everyone who supported me throughout this incredible journey.

Persistence and Progress

Swimming 150 kilometers required consistent dedication and a steadfast commitment to my goal. I started by setting a regular swimming routine, ensuring that I hit the pool several times a week. Each session brought me closer to my goal, allowing me to improve my technique, endurance, and overall fitness. Progress was not always linear, and there were days when the water felt unrelenting and my muscles begged for respite. However, I persevered, reminding myself of the purpose behind my endeavor and the joy that awaited me at the finish line.

A Milestone Achieved

On May 12, 2023, the day I completed 100 kilometers of swimming, I couldn't help but reflect on the arduous yet rewarding journey that led me to that point. It took 64 sessions of swimming to reach this milestone, and it served as a testament to the power of consistency and gradual progress. Celebrating that achievement allowed me to acknowledge the growth I had experienced not only as a swimmer but also as an individual committed to personal goals and self-improvement.

Surpassing Expectations

As I continued swimming with unwavering determination, the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Finally, today on July 9, 2023, I reached an incredible feat – completing 150 kilometers in a total of 98 sessions. Surpassing my initial goal brought a surge of elation and a profound sense of accomplishment. The countless laps, the moments of fatigue, and the challenges encountered along the way were all worthwhile when I realized the magnitude of what I had achieved.

150km swimming in 2023

I started swimming from February 2023, and I took me 98 sessions to complete 150km.

Number of Sessions98
Total Swim Distance (km)150.5
Total Swim Time (hours)58:58:28
Avg Swim Distance per session1.54
Avg Swim Time per session0:36:06
Swim Time per km0:23:31

150km Swimming in 2023, Gurgaon

Completing 150 kilometers of swimming in 2023 has been an extraordinary accomplishment, one that has brought me immeasurable pride and a newfound belief in my capabilities. Starting my swimming journey in February and steadily progressing toward my goal, I conquered the water, one stroke at a time. The joy, personal growth, and sense of fulfillment that this endeavor has brought me are truly priceless. I am grateful for the unwavering support from my loved ones, the guidance of my coach, and the camaraderie of the swimming community. Swimming has taught me the power of setting goals, persevering in the face of challenges, and embracing the satisfaction of achieving what once seemed impossible.

So, here's to the transformative power of swimming and to all those who have inspired and supported me along the way. Thank you.

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Swimming endurance

Over the past year, I have dedicated myself to improving my swimming endurance, and the results have been truly remarkable. Through consistent training and a determined mindset, I have transformed from a novice swimmer to someone capable of tackling long distances with ease. It all started with small, achievable goals that gradually pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I began by swimming a few laps each session, gradually increasing the distance week by week. I incorporated various drills and exercises into my routine, focusing on building strength, technique, and stamina. With each passing month, I felt my lungs expand and my muscles adapt to the demands of the water. The initial fatigue and breathlessness were gradually replaced with a sense of resilience and power. I can now proudly say that I can swim for extended periods without experiencing fatigue, allowing me to enjoy the water and explore new horizons with confidence. Building my swimming endurance over the past year has not only improved my physical fitness but also instilled in me a sense of accomplishment and the belief that with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible.

The water is your don't have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water, and it will help you move.

100km in 2023

I started swimming from February 2023, and I took me 64 sessions to complete 100km.

Number of Sessions64
Total Swim Distance (km)100.08
Total Swim Time (hours)40:00:40
Avg Swim Distance per session1.56
Avg Swim Time per session0:37:31

100km Swimming in 2023, Gurgaon

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Swimming in the last 3 months

I started swimming season from the month Feb 2023 and have completed 3 months. It has been a very enriching and satisfying 3 months with significant growth in my ability to swim.

Swimming (1-Feb-2023 to 30-Apr-2023)Stats
Number of Calendar Days89
Number of Sessions57
Total Swim Distance (km)87.96
Total Swim Time (hours)35:22:41
Avg Swim Distance per session (km)1.54
Avg Swim Time per session (hours)0:37:14
Swim Time per km0:24:08
Longest Streak (18-Mar-2023 to 4-Apr-2023)15 days
Longest Break (16-Apr-2023 to 24-Apr-2023)9 days

Daily swimming chart

Swimming (1-Feb-2023 to 30-Apr-2023)

Daily Swimming Stats Google Sheet. I am grateful for the last 3 months and hope to build upon it in the coming months.

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Swimming Endurance

One of major activities I have been doing since the last 12 months is Swimming. Building endurance while swimming has been a major training goal for me i.e. I consciously did not want to be a fast swimmer but a swimmer who could regulate heart rate and breathing effortlessly to do long sessions.

5 km swim session

After a 4 km swim on 2nd April 2023, I decided to do 5 km on Sunday - 9th April 2023. Sundays work better than Saturdays as Mondays are rest day for me as well as scheduled maintenance of the Swimming pool.

Swimming and heart rate

Swimming is a great form of cardiovascular exercise that helps improve heart health. Swimming is also a low-impact exercise, making it a great option with low chances of joint pain or injuries.

Heart Rate over 5 km swim, Gaurav Parashar

Stats of heart rate modulation during the session:

Heart Rate Zones over 5 km swim, Gaurav Parashar

Stats of my first 5 km swim:

  • Time: 2 hours and 41 seconds
  • Distance: 5 km
  • Average SWOLF: 37

Breaking down the stats:

  • I am satisfied with the average speed and pace
  • I am happy with the average SWOLF
  • I am happy with the heart rate modulation over the duration of the entire swim

Gaurav Parashar - 5 km swim stats, Gurgaon 2023

Swimming to Running Ratio

I am not a runner (yet) but suggested comparisons of How Much Swimming is Equivalent to Running? call out a generic 4:1 golden ration for running:swimming.

i.e. 5 km swimming = 20 km running

5 km swim in 2 hours and 41 seconds, Gurgaon 2023

Swimming is an activity that brings me great joy and fulfillment. As I look to the future, I hope to continue swimming as a regular part of my life. Not only does it provide a great workout for my body, but it also helps me to clear my mind and reduce stress.