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(DAY 488) A Train Ride After a Long Time

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Yesterday, I took a train ride after a long time. Traveling from Gurgaon to Jaipur on the Ajmer Shatabdi was a refreshing change from my usual routine of driving down. Living in Gurgaon, one quickly learns that traffic can be a significant challenge. However, early mornings present a window of opportunity when the roads are relatively clear, making it the best time to navigate to Gurgaon Railway Station. Yesterday was no exception. I left home at dawn, enjoying the quiet streets and the cool, crisp air that marked the beginning of a promising day.

Arriving at the station was a breeze. The usual hustle and bustle were absent, replaced by a serene and almost meditative calm. The station, though modest in size compared to larger urban counterparts, has a charm of its own. The morning light casting long shadows on the platform created a picturesque scene that felt like a step back in time.

The Joy of Train Travel

There's something uniquely satisfying about train travel. Unlike the cramped conditions of a bus or the isolation of a car journey, a train ride offers a perfect blend of comfort and social interaction. As the train made its way through the countryside, I observed the changing landscapes - from the urban sprawl of Gurgaon to the open fields and small villages that dotted the route.

The gentle rocking of the train had a soothing effect, allowing me to relax and unwind. The availability of ample legroom and the ability to walk around the compartment added to the overall comfort. Train journeys also provide an excellent opportunity to catch up on reading, listen to music, or simply gaze out of the window and let your thoughts wander.