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(DAY 497) Mango Mania - Celebrating the King of Fruits in India

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

India is in the throes of a mango mania right now. The peak mango season has brought an abundance of this beloved fruit to markets, homes, and even offices. From Dussheri and Langra to Hafuz, the variety of mangoes available is staggering. Mango festivals are sprouting up in office cafeterias, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration. During a recent trip to Goa, I indulged in the juicy, sweet delight of Hafuz mangoes, adding to the seasonal euphoria.

The Mango Season in India

Mangoes are a quintessential part of Indian summers. The fruit, revered as the "King of Fruits," arrives in a plethora of varieties, each with its unique taste and texture. The season typically starts in April and peaks around June and July. Markets overflow with different types of mangoes, and the excitement among mango lovers is palpable. Dussheri mangoes, primarily grown in the northern parts of India, are known for their sweet and fragrant flavor. They have a smooth, fiberless pulp and are often enjoyed as fresh slices or in mango-based desserts. Langra mangoes, originating from Varanasi, have a distinct green skin even when ripe. Their juicy and slightly tangy flavor makes them a favorite for many. Langra mangoes are often used in making mango chutneys and aamras, a popular mango pulp dish. Hafuz mangoes, also known as Hapus or Alphonso, are the pride of western India, particularly Maharashtra. Renowned for their rich, creamy texture and sweetness, Hafuz mangoes are often considered the best in the world. My recent Goa trip was an absolute delight, largely due to the abundance of these luscious mangoes.

Mango Festivals in Offices

The mango mania isn't just limited to homes and markets. Many offices across India are celebrating the season with mango festivals in their cafeterias. These events bring teams together, offering a variety of mango dishes and fostering a sense of community. From mango smoothies and salads to traditional dishes like mango lassi and aamras, the festivals showcase the versatility of the fruit.

Health Benefits of Mangoes

Mangoes are not just delicious but also packed with nutrients. They are rich in vitamins A and C, which are essential for healthy skin and immune function. The fruit also contains dietary fiber, which aids digestion, and antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals. Including mangoes in your diet can contribute to overall health and wellness.

So, as you navigate through this mango-filled season, take a moment to appreciate the variety and abundance of this king of fruits. Celebrate the mango mania and savor every bite.