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(DAY 601) A Super Sunday Reunion with IIMB Friends

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

The concept of a "Super Sunday" took on a new meaning this weekend as I found myself in Gurgaon, reuniting with friends from my days at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB). There's something uniquely refreshing about reconnecting with people who shared a significant chapter of your life, especially when that chapter was as formative as our time in business school. The gathering brought together Ishaan Puri, Manoj Kumar Tripathi, Suresh Singh, Rohit Yadav, and myself - all former residents of the same wing in our college hostel. As we sat down for lunch, it felt like no time had passed since our last meeting, yet so much had changed in our lives.

Our conversation flowed freely, covering a wide range of topics from our current professional endeavors to personal milestones and everything in between. It was fascinating to see how our paths had diverged and intersected since our IIMB days. Some had ventured into entrepreneurship, others had climbed corporate ladders, and a few had taken unconventional routes that none of us could have predicted during our student years. Despite the different trajectories our lives had taken, the camaraderie and shared experiences from our time in the hostel created an instant connection that transcended the years we'd spent apart.

As we reminisced about our college days, memories came flooding back - late-night study sessions, impromptu cricket matches, heated debates in the mess hall, and the countless inside jokes that only we understood. These shared experiences formed the foundation of our friendship, and it was heartening to see that they still resonated with each of us. The lunch itself was enjoyable, but it was the company that truly made the day special. In the midst of our busy lives, taking the time to sit down and catch up face-to-face felt like a luxury, one that we all agreed we should indulge in more often.

As the afternoon wore on and we prepared to part ways, there was a collective realization of the value of maintaining these connections. In a world where digital communication often replaces physical meetings, this Super Sunday reunion served as a reminder of the irreplaceable nature of in-person interactions. We left with promises to meet more regularly, knowing that these friendships, forged in the crucible of our IIMB experience, were worth nurturing. The day reinforced the idea that while our lives may take us in different directions, the bonds we form during our formative years can provide a sense of grounding and continuity that enriches our lives long after we've left the halls of academia.