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(DAY 606) Happy 3rd Birthday, Idika

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

It's hard to believe that another year has passed, and today marks Idika's third birthday. Looking back at the photos from last year, the changes are remarkable. The tiny toddler who was just learning to string together basic sentences has transformed into a chatty little person with strong opinions about everything from her choice of clothes to which bedtime story she wants to hear. Her vocabulary has expanded significantly, and she now engages in full conversations, often surprising us with her logical reasoning and quick wit. The way she pronounces certain words still carries that endearing toddler charm, but her grasp of language and ability to express herself has grown impressively over the past twelve months.

The past year has been filled with numerous developmental milestones. Her artistic abilities have progressed from random scribbles to recognizable shapes and figures. She can now count to twenty without skipping numbers, knows most of her colors, and has developed a particular interest in animals and their sounds. Her physical coordination has improved tremendously - she can now run confidently, climb playground equipment with minimal assistance, and even attempt to hop on one foot. Her independence has also grown; she insists on doing many things by herself, from picking out her clothes to helping with simple tasks in the kitchen, even though these activities often take twice as long with her "assistance".

Happy 3rd Birthday, Idika

Time moves at an unusually fast pace when watching children grow. It feels like just yesterday when we were celebrating her first birthday, and now she's already three. The regular video calls have helped maintain our connection despite the physical distance, but they also serve as a stark reminder of how quickly she's growing up. Each call brings new surprises - a new word learned, a new skill mastered, or a new story to tell. The updates from her parents about her latest adventures and misadventures have become a highlight of our family's group chat, providing glimpses into her developing personality and the joy she brings to everyone around her.

The upcoming Diwali celebration holds special excitement this year as Idika and her parents will be visiting us. The prospect of spending quality time with her during the festival of lights fills me with anticipation. I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction to the diyas, watching her eyes light up at the sight of festive decorations, and observing how she interacts with the family traditions this year with her enhanced understanding. Last year, she was too young to fully participate in the celebrations, but this time, she's at an age where she can actively engage in the festivities. As her uncle, I feel blessed to be part of her journey and witness her growth. Here's wishing my dear Idika a very happy third birthday - may she continue to grow, learn, and spread joy wherever she goes. God bless you, little one.