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(DAY 258) Arranged marriage matchmaking and changing trends

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Arranged marriages have been a longstanding tradition in many cultures, including India. In recent years, however, the concept of arranged marriages and matchmaking has evolved significantly, incorporating elements of modern dating and technology. A meeting with a friend in Jaipur made me look into the science behind arranged marriage matchmaking and exploring how behavioral patterns on Indian platforms like are adapting to changing times, leading to unique opportunities for startups and apps to meet the evolving requirements of couples and families.

Arranged Marriage Matchmaking: A Science of Compatibility

Traditional arranged marriages often relied on family connections and recommendations, where compatibility was assessed through social, cultural, and economic factors. While these aspects still hold importance, modern matchmaking has integrated scientific compatibility assessment techniques.

  • Psychometrics: Online platforms use questionnaires and psychological assessments to understand individual preferences, values, and personality traits. These insights help in finding compatible matches based on psychological factors.

  • Data Analytics: Algorithms analyze vast datasets, identifying patterns and trends to suggest potential matches. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) can provide more accurate and personalized matchmaking.

  • Long-term Compatibility: Modern matchmaking is increasingly focused on long-term compatibility, considering factors like lifestyle, career goals, and shared values.

Changing Behavior on Matrimonial Platforms

1. Dating with Intent: Unlike newspaper-based matrimonial ads, where the primary focus was on marriage, people on platforms like are now using them for serious dating with the intention of marriage. This shift is driven by the desire to get to know potential partners better before making a lifelong commitment.

2. Personal Choice: Individuals have more say in the process, with the freedom to express their preferences and interact with potential matches before involving their families.

3. Privacy and Safety: Matrimonial platforms prioritize user privacy and safety, with features such as video calls and secure messaging. These measures reduce the pressure on individuals to meet in person too soon.

4. Reduced Geographical Boundaries: Technology has eliminated geographical barriers, allowing individuals to connect with potential partners from different cities and even countries.

Families Embracing Long-Term Compatibility

Families, who were once the primary decision-makers in arranged marriages, are now becoming more conscious of long-term compatibility. They recognize that successful marriages are built on mutual understanding and shared values. As a result:

  • Collaborative Decision-Making: Families are increasingly involving their children in the decision-making process, acknowledging the importance of personal choice.

  • Compatibility Assessment: Families are open to using technology and scientific compatibility assessment methods to ensure their children's happiness in the long run.

Opportunities for Startups and Apps

The evolving landscape of arranged marriage matchmaking in India presents unique opportunities for startups and apps. There is a growing need for:

  • Customized Matchmaking Services: Apps that offer highly personalized matchmaking services based on deep psychological analysis and user preferences.

  • Enhanced Privacy and Security Features: Platforms that prioritize user safety and provide secure ways to interact.

  • Educational Resources: Apps that offer relationship and marriage counseling, pre-marital guidance, and family counseling services.

  • Global Connections: Platforms that facilitate connections between people from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations.