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(DAY 541) Breaking Personal Half Marathon Record

· 4 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Yesterday marked a milestone in my fitness journey as I set a new best time of 1:54:19 for a 21.1 km run on the treadmill. This achievement not only represents a tangible improvement in my physical performance but also serves as a testament to the consistent effort and dedication I've put into my training regimen over the past months. Running on a treadmill, while often considered easier than outdoor running, still presents its own set of challenges. The controlled environment of a gym allows for a steady pace without the variables of terrain or weather, but it can also be mentally taxing due to the monotony of the surroundings. Despite these factors, I found myself pushing through the mental barriers, focusing on my form and breathing, and surpassing my previous best time.

The treadmill vs. outdoor running debate is one that many runners grapple with. It's true that treadmill running often feels easier due to the absence of wind resistance and the consistent surface. The belt's movement also assists slightly with leg turnover, which can lead to faster speeds. However, this doesn't diminish the effort required to maintain a challenging pace for over 21 kilometers. Each running environment has its pros and cons, and incorporating both into a training plan can lead to well-rounded improvement.

After completing the run, I made sure to follow up with a series of deep stretches. This post-run routine is crucial for recovery and injury prevention. Stretching helps to alleviate muscle tension, improve flexibility, and promote better blood flow to the muscles that have been working hard. It's a practice I've come to appreciate more and more as I increase my training volume. Speaking of increased volume, I've been gradually ramping up my monthly mileage, now consistently hitting around 100 km of running and 25 km of swimming each month. This significant increase in training load has been a gradual process, one that requires patience, careful planning, and most importantly, listening to my body.

I'm filled with a deep sense of gratitude for my body's ability to adapt and support this increased workload. The human body is an incredible machine, capable of amazing feats when properly cared for and challenged. It's easy to take our physical capabilities for granted, but moments like these remind me of the importance of appreciating and nurturing our health. The process of improving in endurance sports like running is rarely linear. There are plateaus, setbacks, and moments of doubt. However, it's the consistent effort, day after day, that ultimately leads to breakthroughs like yesterday's personal best. Each run, each swim, each workout is a building block, contributing to overall fitness and preparing the body for greater challenges. Training for endurance events, whether it's a half marathon or beyond, requires more than just physical preparation. Mental fortitude plays a crucial role, especially during those long runs where the mind can become your biggest obstacle. Developing strategies to stay focused and motivated during these extended efforts is as important as the physical training itself. One approach that has worked well for me is breaking the run into smaller, manageable segments. Instead of fixating on the daunting total distance, I focus on running strong for the next kilometer or the next five minutes. This technique helps to keep the mind engaged and prevents overwhelming thoughts about the distance yet to be covered.

Another aspect of my training that has contributed to this improvement is cross-training, particularly swimming. The 25 km of monthly swimming provides excellent cardiovascular benefits while giving my joints a break from the impact of running. This balance has allowed me to increase my overall training volume without overstressing my body, leading to better performance and reduced risk of injury. Nutrition and hydration also play vital roles in supporting this level of training. Properly fueling the body before, during, and after workouts is essential for performance and recovery. I've found that experimenting with different nutrition strategies during long runs has helped me find what works best for my body, allowing me to maintain energy levels throughout the entire distance. As I continue on this fitness journey, I'm reminded of the importance of setting goals and celebrating milestones along the way. While the ultimate objective might be a specific race or time, it's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the smaller victories. Each personal best, each consistent week of training, and each recovery from a challenging workout are achievements worth recognizing.

Looking ahead, I'm excited to see how this improvement in my treadmill performance will translate to outdoor running. The next step will be to attempt a similar time on a road course, which will present its own set of challenges and opportunities for growth. The varying terrain, weather conditions, and need for self-pacing will all contribute to a different running experience.