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9 posts tagged with "jordan"

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· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Jordan, a land of extraordinary natural beauty and diverse landscapes, is a dream destination for adventure seekers and avid travelers. During my journey earlier this month through this captivating country, I was spellbound by the mesmerizing terrain that unfolded before me. From desert sands to towering mountains and the azure sea, Jordan's landscapes are a true marvel.

Jordan Driving Trip, September 2023

Driving Through Jordan's Varied Terrain

As I went on my road trip adventure in Jordan, I couldn't help but be awestruck by the ever-changing landscapes. The country offers a unique blend of terrains that cater to every traveler's appetite for exploration.

  • Desert Landscapes: Driving through the vast desert expanses of Wadi Rum was a surreal experience. The otherworldly red sands, colossal rock formations, and endless dunes create an almost Martian landscape. It's no wonder that Wadi Rum is often referred to as the "Valley of the Moon."

  • Mountainous Wonders: The journey led me to the rugged mountains of Dana Biosphere Reserve and the stunning views from the King's Highway. The winding roads carved through ancient rocks offered breathtaking vistas at every turn.

  • Coastal Beauty: The road eventually led to Jordan's picturesque coastline along the Red Sea. The crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs make it a paradise for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts.

  • Border Adventure: One of the highlights of my trip was driving along the border with Israel. The sense of adventure and the breathtaking landscapes along this route were truly remarkable. The stark contrast between the arid desert and the lush green fields on the Israeli side was a sight to behold.

The Trusty Nissan Sunny

To explore the diverse terrains of Jordan, I ended up renting a Nissan Sunny from a local car rental company - Autonation via Discover Cars. The car was not only reliable but also surprisingly well-managed, which is crucial for long journeys. It handled the winding mountain roads fine and desert tracks with ease, offering a comfortable and smooth ride throughout the trip. The underpowered feeling was particularly evident when maneuvering uphill to reach some of Petra's less accessible sites. While the car eventually conquered these challenging climbs, it did require a bit of patience and careful driving to navigate through the rugged terrain.

Jordan's diverse terrain offers an unforgettable journey for adventurers and nature enthusiasts. From the enchanting deserts to the majestic mountains and the captivating coastline, each landscape tells a unique story. Driving along the border with Israel was a highlight, offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you're planning your own Jordanian adventure, be sure to hit the road and discover the astounding beauty that this country has to offer. Your journey through the amazing terrain of Jordan will undoubtedly be etched in your memory forever.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Jordan's culinary scene is a delightful fusion of flavors, reflecting its rich history and diverse cultural influences. During my journey through this captivating country, I had the pleasure of indulging in a variety of delectable dishes at some remarkable dining establishments. Join me as I take you on a gastronomic tour of Jordan, from the bustling streets of Amman to the tranquil shores of the Dead Sea, the vast desert of Wadi Rum, and the ancient marvels of Petra.

Amman - Hashem Restaurant

My culinary journey began in Amman, the capital city of Jordan, where I relished traditional Jordanian fare at Hashem Restaurant. This bustling eatery, tucked away in the heart of downtown Amman, is famous for its mouthwatering falafel, hummus, and freshly baked pita bread. The flavors of their simple yet hearty dishes provide an authentic taste of Jordan's street food culture.

Amman - Habibah Sweets

A visit to Amman wouldn't be complete without sampling the beloved kunafa at Habibah Sweets. This sweet and crunchy pastry, soaked in fragrant syrup, is a true delight for those with a sweet tooth. The aroma of freshly baked pastries wafting from the store is irresistible, making it a must-visit for dessert enthusiasts.

Amman - Sufra Restaurant

For a more upscale dining experience in Amman, I headed to Sufra Restaurant. This charming venue offers an array of Jordanian and Levantine dishes served in an elegant setting. I enjoyed a delightful brunch spread that included an assortment of mezze, grilled meats, and delectable desserts, all showcasing the richness of Jordanian cuisine.

Amman - Al Quds, Rainbow Street

Al Quds on Rainbow Street in Amman is renowned for its mouthwatering falafel sandwiches. The crispy falafel balls, wrapped in warm pita bread and topped with fresh vegetables and tahini sauce, are a true taste sensation. The vibrant atmosphere of Rainbow Street adds an extra layer of enjoyment to this street food experience.

Dead Sea - Ramada Restaurant

At the Dead Sea, I decided to dine at the restaurant within the Ramada hotel. This dining experience offered a mesmerizing view of the serene Dead Sea waters. The buffet spread featured a mix of international and Jordanian dishes, allowing guests to savor their meal while taking in the stunning surroundings.

Wadi Rum - Desert Tent Restaurant

In the heart of the otherworldly Wadi Rum desert, I dined at a traditional Bedouin-style tent restaurant. Here, I enjoyed a feast of grilled meats, flatbreads, and aromatic rice dishes, all prepared using age-old techniques. Dining under the starlit desert sky added an unforgettable dimension to the experience.

Aqaba - Firefly Burger & Khubza & Seneya

Aqaba offered a delightful range of dining options, from indulging in a mouthwatering burger at Firefly Burger to savoring a sumptuous lunch at Khubza & Seneya. The burger joint's creative offerings and the local flavors at Khubza & Seneya allowed me to explore the diverse tastes of Aqaba's culinary scene.

Petra - Al Madafa at Mövenpick Nabatean Castle

My culinary journey culminated in Petra at the Al Madafa restaurant within the Mövenpick Nabatean Castle Hotel. This elevated dining experience featured a fusion of international and Jordanian dishes, all served with a view of the stunning Petra landscape. It was a fitting end to my exploration of this ancient wonder.

Jordan's cuisine is a testament to the country's rich heritage and the warm hospitality of its people. Each dining experience I had was a delightful journey into the heart of Jordan, where tradition and flavor come together to create unforgettable memories.

· 5 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Petra, the Rose City, is not just a destination; it's a time capsule that takes you on a profound journey through history, culture, engineering marvels, and the vibrant trade that once thrived here. I visited the site today and am sharing the insights and tips for Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most extraordinary archaeological treasures in the world.

Petra Siq, 6 September 2023

Unraveling Petra's Rich History and Culture

Petra, located in southern Jordan, is a city carved into the rose-red cliffs of the region. As you step into this ancient wonder, you'll find yourself immersed in a tapestry of history and culture that dates back to the 4th century BC. The Nabateans, who built this city, left behind a legacy that still astounds visitors today. From the intricate rock-cut architecture to the ingenious water management systems, Petra showcases the brilliant engineering and architectural achievements of its civilizations.

Petra Visit, 6 September 2023

Important Sites at Petra

The Treasury (Al-Khazneh)

The iconic Treasury is undoubtedly Petra's most famous and breathtaking site. As you pass through the narrow Siq, the gorge leading to Petra, you'll be greeted by the awe-inspiring sight of the Treasury's intricately carved façade. This remarkably preserved structure, believed to be a tomb or temple, is adorned with elaborate carvings and stands as a testament to the Nabateans' architectural prowess. Whether you're admiring it in the morning sunlight or illuminated during Petra by Night, the Treasury is a mesmerizing sight that captures the imagination of all who visit.

Petra Treasury, 6 September 2023

The Monastery (Al-Deir)

A challenging but rewarding hike leads you to the Monastery, another monumental masterpiece within Petra. This massive rock-cut structure resembles the Treasury but is even larger in scale. The journey to reach it involves ascending nearly 800 steps carved into the mountain, but the panoramic views and the sense of accomplishment make it all worthwhile. The Monastery's remote location and grandeur leave visitors in awe, offering a glimpse into the significance of this ancient site.

Petra Monastery, 6 September 2023

The Royal Tombs

The Royal Tombs are a group of grand burial chambers carved into the cliffs of Petra. These ornate tombs, which include the Urn Tomb, the Corinthian Tomb, and the Silk Tomb, showcase the Nabateans' mastery of rock-cut architecture and are a testament to the city's prosperous past. Each tomb is a work of art, with intricate facades and detailed carvings. Exploring these tombs allows you to appreciate the significance of Petra as a burial site for the elite of its time.

The Roman Theater

Dating to the 1st century AD, the Roman Theater is a testament to the city's evolution and the influence of different cultures on Petra. Carved into the mountainside, this well-preserved theater could accommodate thousands of spectators who gathered to watch performances, making it a cultural hub in its heyday. Today, visitors can sit in the stone seats and imagine the vibrant performances that once took place in this historic venue.

The High Place of Sacrifice

For a spiritually significant site and panoramic views, head to the High Place of Sacrifice. This cliff-top altar was used for religious ceremonies, and the hike to reach it offers a sense of the ancient rituals that took place here. The sweeping vistas of Petra and the surrounding landscapes make it a fantastic spot for taking in the breathtaking beauty of the entire city.

These are just a few of the remarkable sites that await you within the ancient city of Petra, each offering a unique glimpse into the history, culture, and architectural achievements of this captivating UNESCO World Heritage Site.

450-year-old pistachio tree

The old pistachio tree in Petra is a living testament to the resilience of nature in the midst of an ancient archaeological wonder. Located near the iconic Monastery (Al-Deir), this weathered pistachio tree has stood the test of time, its gnarled branches and twisted trunk a stark contrast to the nearby rock-cut monuments. It's a symbol of life's tenacity in an otherwise barren landscape, offering a poignant reminder of the intricate relationship between history and the natural world. As you stand in the presence of this ancient pistachio tree, you can't help but marvel at the enduring spirit of life that has persisted in Petra for centuries, bridging the gap between the past and the present.

Petra 450 year old pistachio tree, 6 September 2023

Tips for Exploring Petra

1. Early Start: Begin your Petra adventure early in the day to beat the crowds and experience the magic of the site at its most serene. The early morning light also enhances the beauty of the rose-red rocks.

2. Comfortable Footwear: Prepare for a lot of walking – you'll easily cover around 30,000 steps while exploring Petra. Sturdy, comfortable shoes with good grip are essential to navigate the rocky terrain.

3. Stay Hydrated: Jordan's desert climate can be unforgiving, especially during the warmer months. Carry a reusable water bottle and stay hydrated throughout your visit.

4. Sunscreen: Protect yourself from the sun's intense rays by applying sunscreen and wearing a wide-brimmed hat. This will ensure you can explore Petra comfortably without getting sunburned.

5. Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide who can provide deeper insights into Petra's history and point out hidden gems. They can enhance your understanding of this ancient city's significance.

6. Petra by Night: If your visit coincides with the Petra by Night event, don't miss it. Walking through the Siq illuminated by thousands of candles to reach the Treasury is a magical experience.

Petra by Night, 6 September 2023

Visiting Petra is a transformative experience that not only offers a glimpse into the past but also challenges us to appreciate the ingenuity of ancient civilizations. It's a place where history, culture, engineering, and trade converge in a stunning display of human achievement.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

The road from Aqaba to Petra is a mesmerizing journey through the heart of Jordan's stunning landscapes. I drove today on this road and I couldn't help but be captivated by the unique mountain formations, the windmill park, and the hilly terrain surrounding Petra. It is a very scenic drive which only got better with the stay at the Mövenpick Nabatean Castle Hotel with its breathtaking views, and the awe-inspiring wonder that is Petra, one of the world's most visited historical sites.

The Enchanting Mountain Scenery

The drive from Aqaba to Petra is a visual feast for the senses. The landscape is dominated by mountains, their contours shaped in unique and captivating ways. Some resemble ancient castles, while others bear the appearance of colossal sculptures carved by nature itself. The changing hues of the rock formations against the clear blue sky create an ever-evolving canvas that keeps you spellbound throughout the journey.

Aqaba to Petra, 5 September 2023

The Windmill Park

A delightful surprise along the way is the windmill park, where the modern meets the ancient. Rows of wind turbines stand tall, harnessing the power of the relentless desert winds. It's a testament to Jordan's commitment to sustainable energy while seamlessly blending into the timeless desert landscape.

Hilly Terrain of Petra

As I approached Petra, the landscape transformed into rolling hills, hinting at the treasures hidden within the ancient city. The anticipation of exploring the renowned archaeological site added an extra layer of excitement to the journey. The undulating terrain provides a dramatic backdrop, foreshadowing the grandeur that awaits within the rose-red city.

Mövenpick Nabatean Castle Hotel: A Hilltop Retreat

My stay at the Mövenpick Nabatean Castle Hotel was a highlight of my Petra adventure. Perched on a hill overlooking the surrounding landscape, this luxurious hotel offers unrivaled panoramic views of the hills and valleys that make up the Petra region. Watching the sunset from the hotel's room is an experience that etches itself into your memory.

Mövenpick Nabatean Castle Hotel Petra Sunset, 5 September 2023

Petra: A Global Marvel

No trip to Jordan is complete without exploring the ancient city of Petra. This UNESCO World Heritage site attracts visitors from all corners of the globe, and it's easy to see why. The intricate rock-cut architecture, including the iconic Treasury and the Monastery, is a testament to the incredible engineering prowess of the Nabateans. Walking through the Siq, the narrow gorge that leads to Petra, and emerging into the Treasury's view is a moment of pure wonder.

Driving from Aqaba to Petra is an adventure that immerses you in the breathtaking beauty of Jordan's landscapes. The enchanting mountains, the windmill park, and the anticipation of exploring Petra itself make this journey unforgettable. And when you choose to stay at the Mövenpick Nabatean Castle Hotel, you're treated to not only comfort but also spectacular views that enhance your Petra experience. Petra, with its rich history and timeless allure, remains one of the world's most cherished historical sites, drawing visitors from every corner of the globe.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

When it comes to scuba diving adventures, Aqaba is a hidden gem in the Red Sea, and my dive today here left me with unforgettable memories. Join me as I share my thrilling underwater journey, exploring a sunken tank and airplane, marveling at the rich marine life, and wrapping up the evening with a visit to the laid-back Ayla Aqaba mall. Discover why Aqaba is a scuba diver's paradise and a must-visit destination for underwater enthusiasts.

Aqaba Diving

My adventure began with Aqaba Moon Divers, a reputable scuba diving school that specializes in providing unforgettable underwater experiences. From the moment I arrived, their professional team ensured that my dive was safe and enjoyable. Their expertise and passion for marine life were evident, making me feel confident and excited about what lay ahead.

Aqaba Diving, 4 September 2023

Thrilling Dive Sites - Tank and Airplane Wrecks

Aqaba's underwater world is teeming with history and marine life. One of the highlights of my dive was exploring the sunken tank and airplane wrecks. Descending into the depths, I was greeted by these intriguing relics of the past. The combination of history and marine biodiversity was awe-inspiring. The tank and airplane wrecks serve as artificial reefs, attracting a diverse array of marine species, creating an extraordinary underwater museum.

Aqaba Diving Wreck, 4 September 2023

Marine Life Extravaganza

As I delved deeper into the crystal-clear waters of Aqaba, I was treated to a mesmerizing display of marine life. Vibrant coral formations provided shelter for schools of colorful fish, while other organisms glided gracefully past me. The intelligence and interconnectedness of the marine ecosystem were evident everywhere I looked, reminding me of the importance of preserving our oceans.

Aqaba Scuba Diving Marine Life, 4 September 2023

Underwater Sauna

One of the unexpected surprises during my dive was the underwater sauna. In Aqaba, exists an ingeniously placed a sauna below the surface, offering divers a chance to relax and unwind while submerged. It was an incredibly unique experience, providing a sense of tranquility and relaxation that I never thought possible underwater.

Aqaba Scuba Underwater Sauna, 4 September 2023

Ayla Aqaba - An Evening Escape

After a day of underwater exploration, I decided to unwind by visiting Ayla Aqaba, a charming mall nestled in the heart of the city. The mall exudes a relaxed atmosphere, making it the perfect place to enjoy a leisurely evening. I strolled through its diverse shops, enjoyed local cuisine at the restaurants, and marveled at the stunning views of the marina.

Ayla Aqaba, 4 September 2023

My scuba diving experience in Aqaba was nothing short of extraordinary. From the captivating underwater wrecks to the diverse marine life and the unique underwater sauna, Aqaba offers a scuba diving adventure like no other. It's a destination that showcases the beauty and intelligence of our oceans and reminds us of the need to protect and preserve these underwater wonders for future generations.

· 4 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Wadi Rum is a place where the majestic desert meets towering mountains, and where the warmth of the local Bedouin people welcomes travelers with open arms. Today my visit at this stunning desert landscape left me awestruck, and I'm excited to share my experience with you. As I explored the rugged beauty of Wadi Rum, I recount my thrilling 4x4 desert car tour, and relive the breathtaking sunset that left an indelible mark on my heart.

Wadi Rum Landscape

Wadi Rum, often referred to as the Valley of the Moon, is a surreal desert wilderness in southern Jordan. Its vast expanse of rust-colored sand dunes, monumental rock formations, and dramatic mountains create a landscape that feels like it belongs to another world. The sheer grandeur of this place is enough to make anyone feel humbled by nature's artistry. During my stay, I was constantly in awe of the ever-changing scenery that seemed straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Wadi Rum Landscape, 3 September 2023

The People of Wadi Rum

The true essence of Wadi Rum lies in its people – the resilient and hospitable Bedouin community that has called this desert home for generations. Meeting the locals and experiencing their way of life was a highlight of my trip. The Bedouin people are incredibly welcoming and are more than happy to share their stories, traditions, and delicious food with visitors. It's a chance to glimpse into a lifestyle deeply connected to the desert and its natural rhythms.

4x4 Desert Car Tour

One of the most thrilling experiences during my stay in Wadi Rum was the 4x4 desert car tour. Guided by a skilled local driver, I ventured deep into the desert's heart, navigating through the narrow canyons, scaling the sandy dunes, and witnessing the surreal rock formations up close. The adrenaline rush was undeniable, and it gave me a whole new perspective on the sheer vastness and beauty of Wadi Rum.

The Enchanting Sunset

As the day drew to a close, I found myself perched on a vantage point, eagerly awaiting the sunset. Little did I know that it would be one of the most enchanting sunsets I've ever witnessed. The desert's hues transformed from warm oranges to deep purples and soft pinks as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an otherworldly glow across the landscape. It was a truly magical moment, and I couldn't help but be captivated by the serenity and beauty of the desert.

Wadi Rum Sunset, 3 September 2023

Overnight Camps in Wadi Rum

For those seeking an authentic desert adventure, spending the night in a Bedouin camp is an absolute must. I opted for this unique experience, and it was a night I'll never forget. The camp was cozy and well-appointed, and I relished the chance to stargaze in the clear desert skies. The stillness of the desert at night is an experience in itself, and it's made all the more special by the knowledge that you're surrounded by the natural wonders of Wadi Rum.

Wadi Rum Luxury Camps, 3 September 2023

Trekking Adventures

Wadi Rum isn't just about desert sands; it's also home to some impressive mountains. For the adventurous traveler, trekking up these mountains offers a different perspective on the landscape. The red-rocked mountains and rocky outcrops provide a challenging but rewarding hiking experience. The views from the summits are nothing short of breathtaking, offering a sense of accomplishment that's hard to beat.

Wadi Rum Treks, 3 September 2023

My stay at Wadi Rum was a journey into a surreal desert dreamscape, filled with awe-inspiring landscapes, warm-hearted people, exhilarating adventures, and unforgettable sunsets. Wadi Rum truly is a destination like no other, where the harmony of nature and culture creates an experience that lingers in your heart long after you've left. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or a cultural explorer, Wadi Rum has something to offer everyone.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

The Dead Sea, nestled in the heart of the Jordan Valley, is a natural wonder that captivates travelers with its unique properties. From the scenic drive along the picturesque landscapes to the surreal experience of floating effortlessly in its hyper-saline waters, a visit to the Dead Sea is truly unforgettable. I stayed overnight at the Dead Sea, and experienced stunning panoramic views from the Panorama Dead Sea Complex, enjoyed the therapeutic joy of Dead Sea mud and body mask, and the sensory delights that await those who dare to take the plunge.

The Scenic Drive and Panorama Dead Sea Complex

The adventure begins with a scenic drive from Amman to the Dead Sea, winding through the dramatic landscapes of the Jordan Rift Valley. As you descend to the lowest point on Earth, you'll be greeted by breathtaking vistas at every turn. The highlight of this journey is undoubtedly the Panorama Dead Sea Complex, perched at an altitude that offers an unrivaled view of the shimmering sea below. Watching the sun cast its golden hues across the waters as it sets is a moment of sheer tranquility.

Panorama Dead Sea Complex, 2 September 2023

Floating in the Dead Sea

Once you've taken in the views, it's time to experience the Dead Sea's most famous feature: its extreme salinity. As you step into the water, you'll immediately notice the buoyancy that makes floating effortlessly on the surface a reality. It's a sensation that leaves you feeling weightless and utterly relaxed, making for a unique and surreal experience.

The Dead Sea Body Mask

One of the Dead Sea's well-known secrets is its therapeutic mud, rich in minerals and renowned for its skin benefits. Many visitors indulge in a Dead Sea body mask, and for a good reason. The mud, when applied generously, creates a tingling sensation on the skin. As it dries, it tightens, invigorating your pores and rejuvenating your skin. The minerals penetrate deep, leaving your skin feeling soft, refreshed, and incredibly smooth.

Dead Sea Body Mask, 2 September 2023

Sensory Delights and Smells

The Dead Sea mud, though known for its skin-enhancing properties, has a distinct and somewhat earthy smell. It's a scent that's instantly recognizable and adds to the sensory experience of applying the body mask. As the mask dries, you can feel it working its magic, and the scent becomes a part of the therapeutic ritual. While some may find it unique, others find it oddly comforting, knowing that they are partaking in an age-old tradition of wellness and rejuvenation.

Staying overnight at the Dead Sea was a great idea! The place encompasses natural beauty, relaxation, and therapeutic benefits. From the stunning drive to the panoramic views at the Panorama Dead Sea Complex, the ethereal experience of floating in its salty waters, to the sensory delights of the Dead Sea body mask, every moment is a treasure. The Dead Sea is a destination like no other, where both body and soul can find renewal amidst the wonders of nature.

· 5 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Amman, the bustling capital of Jordan, is a city that effortlessly blends the modern with the ancient. Within a short drive from the heart of Amman, you'll find Jerash, an ancient town that's a treasure trove of history and architecture. A day trip from Amman to Jerash is like stepping back in time, where the theaters, ovals, shopping streets, and fountains are a testament to the peak of human civilization. Toady, I visited this beautiful ancient town, explored its wonders and realized why it's a must-visit destination.

The Marvels of Jerash

Jerash, often referred to as the "Pompeii of the East," boasts an incredibly well-preserved Roman city that dates back to the 1st century AD. As you walk through its ancient streets, you'll be awestruck by the remarkable feats of human engineering and architecture that define this site.

The Theaters

The crown jewel of Jerash is its theaters, particularly the South Theater. With a seating capacity of over 3000, it's a breathtaking example of Roman theater design. The acoustics here are so exceptional that even a whisper on stage can be heard in the farthest seat. This is a testament to the advanced engineering skills of the time.

South Theater, Jerash, 1 September 2023

Temple of Artemis

Nestled within the ancient wonders of Jerash lies the exquisite Temple of Artemis, a testament to the devotion and artistic brilliance of a bygone era. This temple, dedicated to the Greek goddess of the hunt, Artemis, is a remarkable architectural jewel. Its grand columns, ornate facades, and intricate carvings evoke a sense of divine beauty that leaves visitors in awe. The Temple of Artemis, though partially restored, retains much of its original splendor, providing a captivating glimpse into the religious practices and artistic achievements of the past. As you stand before this sacred edifice, you can almost feel the echoes of ancient ceremonies and the reverence of those who once sought the favor of Artemis. It's an essential stop on your journey through Jerash, where history and spirituality converge to create an unforgettable experience.

Temple of Artemis, Jerash, 1 September 2023

The Oval Plaza

The Oval Plaza, a wide open space surrounded by 56 impressive columns, was once the heart of Jerash's commercial activities. Imagine the bustling marketplaces, lively trade, and the vibrant atmosphere that once filled this area. Today, it stands as a picturesque reminder of a time when Jerash was a thriving trading hub.

Shopping Streets

Jerash boasts an intricate network of cobblestone streets, flanked by well-preserved shops and market stalls. As you walk through these ancient shopping streets, you'll get a sense of what daily life was like for the people of Jerash. It's a remarkable experience to imagine the hustle and bustle of a bygone era.


The fountains in Jerash were not just functional, but also ornate works of art. These fountains served as gathering points for the community, providing not only water but also a sense of beauty and tranquility. Their intricate designs showcase the aesthetics and engineering prowess of the ancient Romans.

Why Jerash is a Must-Visit Destination

1. Historical Significance: Jerash is a living testament to the ancient Roman civilization in the heart of the Middle East. Exploring its ruins is like stepping into a time machine and witnessing history firsthand.

2. Architectural Marvels: The meticulous planning and engineering that went into creating the theaters, plazas, streets, and fountains in Jerash are awe-inspiring. Architects and history enthusiasts will find this place a treasure trove of inspiration.

3. Cultural Experience: Jerash's rich history and well-preserved artifacts provide an immersive cultural experience. From the grandeur of Roman architecture to the everyday life of its inhabitants, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the past.

4. Natural Beauty: Beyond its historical significance, Jerash is surrounded by picturesque landscapes, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers and photographers.

A day trip from Amman to Jerash is a journey through time. This beautiful ancient town, with its theaters, oval plaza, shopping streets, and fountains, showcases the pinnacle of human engineering and the zenith of ancient civilization. Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply someone looking for a unique and enriching experience, Jerash has something to offer everyone. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this hidden gem in the heart of Jordan.

Souk Jara and Rainbow Street in Amman

Today evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars began to twinkle, I went to Souk Jara and Rainbow Street. Souk Jara is a bustling market that comes alive at night. Strolling through its labyrinthine alleys, I was enveloped by a symphony of colors, scents, and sounds. Vendors peddled their wares, offering everything from handmade crafts to delectable street food. The vibrant atmosphere was infectious, and the warm hospitality of the locals made me feel right at home.

Leaving Souk Jara, I made my way to Rainbow Street, a vibrant thoroughfare that lives up to its name. This trendy neighborhood is a hub for Amman's hip and artistic crowd. Lined with charming cafes, eclectic boutiques, and street art that adds a splash of color to the surroundings, Rainbow Street exudes a cosmopolitan flair that's hard to resist. As I wandered along its cobbled streets, I couldn't help but be drawn into the lively mix of locals and tourists, all united in their appreciation for the arts, culture, and a good cup of coffee. It was a night in Amman that left me with lasting memories of the city's vibrant spirit and the unique charm of Souk Jara and Rainbow Street.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

A Glimpse of Amman

As the capital of Jordan, Amman stands as a testament to the fascinating layers of history and culture that have shaped this Middle Eastern nation. With its blend of ancient wonders and modern marvels, Amman offers travelers a unique opportunity to step back in time while experiencing the vibrancy of a contemporary metropolis.

Citadel, Amman, 31 August 2023

Amman Citadel - A Timeless Witness

The Amman Citadel, perched atop a hill in the heart of the city, is a living testament to Jordan's rich history. This historic site, also known as Jabal al-Qal'a, has been continuously inhabited for over seven millennia, making it one of the oldest continuously inhabited places on Earth.

Greek Influence: The history of the Amman Citadel traces back to the Bronze Age, but it was during the Hellenistic period that it flourished under Greek rule. The remains of the Hercules Temple and the Umayyad Palace are stark reminders of this era, offering a glimpse into the architectural marvels of the Greeks.

Roman Splendor: The Romans left an indelible mark on the Amman Citadel, evident in structures like the massive Roman theatre. Built to accommodate thousands, this amphitheater was once a hub for entertainment and culture. Today, it's a place where visitors can sit and imagine the grand performances of the past.

Byzantine Grace: The Byzantine period brought further development to the Amman Citadel, as evidenced by the stunning Byzantine Church. Its intricate floor mosaics depict scenes of religious significance, providing a glimpse into the artistic and spiritual life of the time.

Islamic Heritage: The Amman Citadel also holds deep Islamic significance, with the Umayyad Palace being one of the most prominent Islamic architectural structures in the city. The palace's domed audience hall showcases stunning Islamic design.

Citadel Sunset, Amman, 31 August 2023

Roman Theatre

As you explore Amman, the Roman theatre stands as a remarkable relic of antiquity. Built during the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD), this amphitheater could seat around 6,000 spectators. The Roman theatre reflects the cultural and architectural prowess of the Roman Empire, offering a direct link to the city's past.

Driving in Amman

Navigating the city of Amman by car is an adventure in itself. The city's terrain is characterized by steep climbs and slope downs, making every drive an exciting journey through its undulating landscape. While the hilly terrain can be a challenge, it provides breathtaking views of the city's juxtaposition of history and modernity.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, offers a remarkable blend of ancient treasures and contemporary life. The Amman Citadel and Roman theatre are living testaments to the city's enduring history, from Greek and Roman influences to Byzantine and Islamic heritage. As you navigate the city's winding streets and hills, you can't help but feel the weight of its past, a tangible reminder of the civilizations that have left their mark on this enchanting city. Whether you're exploring ancient ruins or enjoying modern amenities, Amman is a destination that invites you to delve deep into its layered history and vibrant culture.