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23 posts tagged with "travel"

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· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Nestled in the heart of Goa, Divar Island offers a unique and tranquil escape for travelers, especially those from North India. Unlike the bustling beaches and crowded tourist spots, Divar Island provides a serene and isolated experience that captivates its visitors. To reach Divar Island, one must take a ferry ride, which in itself is an adventure. The ferry accommodates cars, making it convenient for travelers who wish to explore the island at their own pace. The journey across the Mandovi River offers stunning views and sets the tone for the peaceful retreat that awaits on the island.

A Glimpse into Divar Island

Divar Island is a stark contrast to the typical Goan experience. Here, time seems to slow down, and the lush greenery, quaint Portuguese houses, and narrow winding roads create a picturesque setting. The island's tranquility is a refreshing change from the hustle and bustle of mainland Goa, making it an ideal destination for those seeking relaxation and solitude.

June 2024 - Divar Island Mangrove Trees

Mercure Devaaya Resort: A Perfect Retreat

Our destination on Divar Island was the Mercure Devaaya by Accor, a secluded resort perfect for a short trip. Nestled by the Mandovi River, the resort offers an idyllic setting with its well-maintained gardens and scenic views. It’s an oasis of calm, providing a perfect backdrop for a relaxing getaway.

June 2024 - Divar Island Mercure Devaaya

Brunch by the Mandovi River

One of the highlights of our visit was the brunch by the Mandovi River at Mercure Devaaya. The resort’s restaurant offers a variety of delicious dishes that cater to different tastes. The serene riverside setting enhances the dining experience, making it a memorable part of our trip. The peaceful ambiance and the sound of the flowing river create a perfect atmosphere for enjoying a meal with loved ones. After brunch, we took the opportunity to explore more of Divar Island. The island is small, but it’s rich in culture and history. The old Portuguese houses, the local churches, and the scenic beauty make for a delightful exploration. The island’s charm lies in its simplicity and the warmth of its people, who are always ready with a smile and a story to tell.

A Unique Experience for North Indian Travelers

For travelers from North India, Divar Island offers a unique experience. The contrast between the hustle of North Indian cities and the calm of Divar Island is striking. The island’s slow pace and relaxed lifestyle provide a much-needed break from the fast-paced life of the north. It’s a place where one can truly unwind and reconnect with nature.

Divar Island is a hidden gem in Goa that offers a unique and tranquil experience. The journey to the island, the serene environment, and the warm hospitality make it a perfect destination for a short trip. Whether you’re looking to relax by the river, explore the quaint streets, or simply enjoy some peace and quiet, Divar Island has something for everyone.

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Goa, known for its pristine beaches and vibrant nightlife, transforms into a lush paradise during the monsoon season. The months from June to September bring with them a refreshing change, as the landscape turns a vivid green, and the weather becomes pleasantly cool and damp. The intermittent rains, lasting just a few minutes every couple of hours, create a rhythm that is both soothing and invigorating.

The Monsoon Experience

The monsoon in Goa is not like the relentless downpours seen in other parts of India. Instead, it rains every few hours, with each shower lasting around five minutes. This gentle pattern keeps the air fresh and cool, offering a pleasant contrast to the scorching summer heat. The frequent but short-lived showers ensure that the region remains lush without becoming overwhelmingly wet.

A Touch of Bombay

The weather in Goa during the monsoon often reminds me of Bombay. Both coastal cities share a similar climate during this season, characterized by intermittent rains and a consistently damp atmosphere. However, Goa's relatively smaller size and lower population density make it a more tranquil retreat compared to the bustling metropolis of Bombay.

The Green Transformation

One of the most striking features of Goa during the monsoon is the dramatic transformation of its landscape. The usually dry and brown terrain turns into a vibrant green expanse. Trees, plants, and grass flourish, creating a picturesque environment that is perfect for nature lovers. Driving around Goa, the sheer number of trees and the verdant scenery is truly mesmerizing.

June 2024 - Goa in Monsoon

Goa during the monsoon is a beautiful blend of lush greenery, pleasant weather, and serene landscapes. The short bursts of rain every few hours add to the charm, creating a refreshing and invigorating environment. Whether you're driving around the verdant roads, exploring historical sites, or simply enjoying the cool breeze on a rainy beach, the monsoon season in Goa offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Today, I begin a 4-day trip to Goa with my parents. This trip is special for them because it is their first time visiting this beautiful coastal paradise. Despite the possibility of rain due to the monsoon season, we're optimistic about making the most of our time together in Goa.

Goa: A Destination for Relaxation

Goa is renowned for its pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and laid-back vibe. It's a place where time seems to slow down, allowing visitors to unwind and escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The combination of stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality makes Goa an ideal destination for a relaxing vacation. Goa's beaches are its most famous attraction. From the bustling shores of Baga and Calangute to the serene stretches of Palolem and Anjuna, there is a beach for every kind of traveler. For my parents, who are looking forward to some quiet time, the less crowded beaches will be perfect for leisurely strolls and soaking in the natural beauty.

Monsoon Magic

Traveling to Goa during the monsoon season might seem like a gamble, but it has its unique charm. The rains breathe new life into the landscape, turning the region into a lush green haven. The monsoon showers add a touch of romance to the scenery, making it an even more enchanting place to relax.

Rainy Day Activities

While the rain might limit beach time, Goa offers plenty of indoor activities to keep us entertained. We plan to explore the local markets, indulge in Goan cuisine at quaint restaurants, and visit some of the historic churches and temples. The rain can be an opportunity to experience Goa from a different perspective. One of the highlights of any trip to Goa is its food. Goan cuisine is a delightful mix of flavors, influenced by Portuguese and Indian traditions.

Local Markets and Handicrafts

Goa's local markets are treasure troves of unique handicrafts and souvenirs. Visiting places like the Anjuna Flea Market or the Mapusa Market will give us a glimpse into the local culture and provide a chance to pick up some beautiful handcrafted items. These markets are vibrant and full of life, perfect for a leisurely afternoon of shopping and exploration.

The Goal: A Relaxed Vacation

The primary aim of this trip is to spend quality time with my parents in a relaxed setting. Goa's serene environment is the perfect backdrop for meaningful conversations and bonding. We plan to take it slow, enjoy each other's company, and create lasting memories. In today's fast-paced world, finding time to disconnect is crucial. This trip to Goa offers us the chance to put away our gadgets and immerse ourselves in the present moment. Whether it's listening to the sound of waves, enjoying a leisurely meal, or simply sitting together in silence, the goal is to reconnect with each other and ourselves.

As we start this 4-day journey to Goa, my hope is that my parents experience the true essence of relaxation. Despite the monsoon rains, I am confident that Goa's natural beauty, warm hospitality, and tranquil atmosphere will provide the perfect setting for a memorable and rejuvenating vacation. This trip is not just about exploring a new place but about creating cherished moments and enjoying the simple pleasures of life together.

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

In August 2021, during a leisurely trip to Barog, a charming hill station near the City of Solan, I had one such unexpected encounter. Little did I know that this encounter would later bring a chuckle to my day, as I stumbled upon the hilarious comedy of Punit Punia.

The journey to Barog was a spontaneous escape from the monotony of routine, a chance to breathe in the crisp mountain air and revel in nature's tranquility. With the backdrop of the majestic Himalayas, every moment felt like a painting come to life. As I explored the nearby Kasauli cantonment area, indulging in touristy delights and immersing myself in the local culture, little did I anticipate the amusing twist fate had in store.

One sunny afternoon, driven by the adventurous spirit that often accompanies mountain sojourns, I embarked on a short trek through the undulating paths of the nearby mountains. The verdant landscapes, dotted with pine trees and wildflowers, seemed straight out of a postcard. Each step was a reminder of the beauty that lies in the simple joys of exploration.

Fast forward to the present day, as I found myself leisurely browsing through stand-up comedy videos online, I stumbled upon Punit Punia's uproarious performance. His witty quips and infectious laughter filled the room, transporting me back to that fateful day in Barog. It was then that the memory resurfaced—our unexpected encounter, where our worlds briefly collided.

In the interconnected web of our modern world, it's fascinating how our paths intertwine, often in the most unexpected of ways. From the serene hills of Barog to the digital realm of comedy specials, the threads of connection weave a tapestry of shared experiences.

Reflecting on this chance encounter, I couldn't help but marvel at the intricacies of fate. How a leisurely trip to a hill station led to a moment of shared laughter through the lens of Punit Punia's comedy. It serves as a gentle reminder of the unpredictable nature of life, where surprises await at every turn. As I wrap up this reminiscence, I find myself smiling at the serendipity of it all. Here's to the unexpected encounters, the laughter-filled moments, and the beautifully tangled threads that connect us all in this vast, connected world.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

As I sat enthralled by the mesmerizing visuals of Denis Villeneuve's "Dune 2" I couldn't help but be transported back to the stunning landscapes of Wadi Rum, Jordan. The vast expanse of reddish-orange sand dunes, towering sandstone formations, and the rugged, eroded mountains of the fictional planet Arrakis bore an uncanny resemblance to the otherworldly terrain I had witnessed during my travels.

The Majesty of Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, is a vast and arid desert wilderness located in southern Jordan. Its unique geology, sculpted over millions of years by wind and water erosion, has created a captivating landscape that seems straight out of a science fiction novel. Towering sandstone and granite mountains rise abruptly from the desert floor, their intricate patterns and hues a testament to the relentless forces of nature.

Wadi Rum Trip, 2023 Wadi Rum Trip, 2023

As I traversed the desert on a guided tour, the sense of wonder and awe was overwhelming. The vastness of the desert stretched as far as the eye could see, and the silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional gust of wind whipping up swirls of sand. It was a place where time seemed to stand still, and the ancient history of this land whispered through every rock formation and dune.

The Parallels to Dune

Watching "Dune," I couldn't help but draw parallels between the fictional world of Arrakis and the real-life wonder of Wadi Rum. The towering rock formations, known as "sietches" in the movie, reminded me of the intricate sandstone sculptures that dotted the Jordanian desert. The vast expanses of orange sand, stretching endlessly in every direction, mirrored the dune seas of Arrakis.

Villeneuve's masterful direction and the stunning cinematography captured the raw, untamed beauty of the desert landscapes, transporting viewers to a world both alien and familiar. The movie's attention to detail in recreating the harsh, unforgiving environment of Arrakis was a testament to the power of nature and the resilience of those who call such places home.

The Restorative Power of Reminiscence

Reliving my travels to Wadi Rum through the lens of "Dune" was a powerful and restorative experience. It reminded me of the awe-inspiring beauty that exists in our world and the importance of appreciating and preserving these natural wonders. In a world that often moves at a breakneck pace, taking the time to reminisce about past adventures can be a grounding and rejuvenating exercise.

As I reflect on the memories of Wadi Rum and the cinematic brilliance of "Dune," I am filled with a renewed sense of appreciation for the incredible diversity and majesty of our planet. These experiences remind us that, even in the most desolate and unforgiving environments, there is a beauty and resilience that can inspire and captivate us.

Whether you're a fan of science fiction or simply appreciate the raw power of nature, "Dune" and Wadi Rum offer a chance to immerse yourself in a world that is both alien and familiar, challenging and awe-inspiring. So, the next time you find yourself lost in the mesmerizing visuals of a movie or reminiscing about a past adventure, embrace the opportunity to reconnect with the wonders of our world and the boundless possibilities that await us, both on Earth and beyond.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Nestled along the banks of the majestic Yamuna river, Agra stands as a testament to the opulent legacy of the Mughal Empire. During my visit to Agra, I visited two of its most iconic landmarks - the Agra Fort and the Taj Mahal. As I wandered through the corridors of Agra Fort, I was transported back to the era of Mughal grandeur, marveling at the intricate architecture and rich history that permeates every corner of this magnificent structure.

Taj Mahal: Symbol of Eternal Love

No visit to Agra is complete without beholding the breathtaking beauty of the Taj Mahal. As I gazed upon this architectural masterpiece, I couldn't help but be awestruck by its sheer elegance and timeless allure. The Taj Mahal stands as a testament to the enduring love of Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, a poignant reminder of the power of love transcending time and space.

History Under Mughal Era and British Rule

Agra's history is deeply intertwined with the rise and fall of the Mughal Empire, as well as the subsequent British rule. The forts, palaces, and monuments scattered across the city bear witness to centuries of cultural exchange and architectural splendor. From the majestic Red Fort to the imposing Jama Masjid, each structure tells a story of Agra's rich and vibrant past.

Agra Metro - Enhancing Connectivity

In a bid to enhance connectivity and ease of travel, the government is undertaking the ambitious project of Agra Metro. This modern transportation system will not only benefit locals but also make Agra more accessible to tourists, further enriching their experience of exploring this historical capital city.

Weekend Getaway Near Delhi NCR

Located just a stone's throw away from Delhi NCR, Agra serves as an ideal weekend getaway for weary city dwellers. Whether you're seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of urban life or a glimpse into India's rich cultural heritage, Agra offers the perfect escape.

As I reflect on my time spent in Agra, I am reminded of the resilience and creativity of the human spirit. Despite the passage of time and the trials of history, Agra stands as a symbol of beauty, love, and perseverance. May we draw inspiration from its storied past as we navigate the challenges of our own lives, always striving to create something enduring and meaningful. Embark on a journey of discovery to Agra, where history comes alive amidst the timeless beauty of its architectural marvels. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a lover of art and architecture, or simply in search of a weekend retreat, Agra promises an unforgettable experience.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Nestled just a short drive from the bustling city of Jaipur lies the quaint village of Abhaneri, home to a hidden marvel that often escapes the attention of locals. Four years ago, I stumbled upon this historical treasure – the Baori, or step well, a captivating architectural wonder that transports visitors to a bygone era.

Discovering Abhaneri

Abhaneri is a mere stone's throw away from Jaipur, making it an ideal day trip for those seeking a break from the city's hustle and bustle. The journey itself is a picturesque ride through the vibrant Rajasthan landscape.

Abhaneri - Chaand Baori

As a resident of Jaipur, I've often found it challenging to adopt the perspective of a tourist in my own city. It's easy to overlook local gems when the familiar surrounds us, making Abhaneri a delightful revelation.

The Baori - A Step Back in Time

The Baori at Abhaneri is a testament to ancient engineering brilliance. This step well, with its intricate carvings and symmetrical design, not only served as a water source but also as a communal space for socializing and rituals.

Step wells were crucial in Rajasthan's history, providing a reliable water source in arid regions. Abhaneri's Baori, believed to be over a thousand years old, stands as a silent witness to the resilience and ingenuity of the people who once thrived in this region.

Touring Rajasthan's Step Wells

Chand Baori in Abhaneri

Abhaneri's Chand Baori is just one of the many step wells scattered across Rajasthan. Each step well tells a unique story, reflecting the architectural styles and water conservation techniques prevalent in its era.

Rani Ki Vav in Patan

Rani Ki Vav in Patan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcasing the intricate craftsmanship of a step well dating back to the 11th century. Its grandeur and sheer scale make it a must-visit destination.

Toorji Ka Jhalra in Jodhpur

Toorji Ka Jhalra in Jodhpur is a restored step well that seamlessly combines tradition with contemporary aesthetics. It has become a popular spot for both locals and tourists seeking respite in its serene ambiance.

Overcoming Local Apathy

It's easy to overlook the treasures in our own backyard. Visiting Abhaneri's Baori forced me to see my city with fresh eyes, appreciating the rich history and culture that often goes unnoticed in the daily grind.

Playing tourist in your hometown encourages a renewed appreciation for local landmarks. Abhaneri's Baori is a reminder that hidden gems are waiting to be rediscovered, even in the places we call home. Abhaneri's Baori is a testament to human ingenuity, and a reminder of the importance of water in arid landscapes.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Jordan, a land of extraordinary natural beauty and diverse landscapes, is a dream destination for adventure seekers and avid travelers. During my journey earlier this month through this captivating country, I was spellbound by the mesmerizing terrain that unfolded before me. From desert sands to towering mountains and the azure sea, Jordan's landscapes are a true marvel.

Jordan Driving Trip, September 2023

Driving Through Jordan's Varied Terrain

As I went on my road trip adventure in Jordan, I couldn't help but be awestruck by the ever-changing landscapes. The country offers a unique blend of terrains that cater to every traveler's appetite for exploration.

  • Desert Landscapes: Driving through the vast desert expanses of Wadi Rum was a surreal experience. The otherworldly red sands, colossal rock formations, and endless dunes create an almost Martian landscape. It's no wonder that Wadi Rum is often referred to as the "Valley of the Moon."

  • Mountainous Wonders: The journey led me to the rugged mountains of Dana Biosphere Reserve and the stunning views from the King's Highway. The winding roads carved through ancient rocks offered breathtaking vistas at every turn.

  • Coastal Beauty: The road eventually led to Jordan's picturesque coastline along the Red Sea. The crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs make it a paradise for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts.

  • Border Adventure: One of the highlights of my trip was driving along the border with Israel. The sense of adventure and the breathtaking landscapes along this route were truly remarkable. The stark contrast between the arid desert and the lush green fields on the Israeli side was a sight to behold.

The Trusty Nissan Sunny

To explore the diverse terrains of Jordan, I ended up renting a Nissan Sunny from a local car rental company - Autonation via Discover Cars. The car was not only reliable but also surprisingly well-managed, which is crucial for long journeys. It handled the winding mountain roads fine and desert tracks with ease, offering a comfortable and smooth ride throughout the trip. The underpowered feeling was particularly evident when maneuvering uphill to reach some of Petra's less accessible sites. While the car eventually conquered these challenging climbs, it did require a bit of patience and careful driving to navigate through the rugged terrain.

Jordan's diverse terrain offers an unforgettable journey for adventurers and nature enthusiasts. From the enchanting deserts to the majestic mountains and the captivating coastline, each landscape tells a unique story. Driving along the border with Israel was a highlight, offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you're planning your own Jordanian adventure, be sure to hit the road and discover the astounding beauty that this country has to offer. Your journey through the amazing terrain of Jordan will undoubtedly be etched in your memory forever.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Nepal, a land of serene beauty and rich cultural heritage, is home to an ancient art form that has fascinated travelers for centuries - Mandala painting. I learnt at Bhaktapur Durbar Square the meticulous process behind creating these intricate works of art, as well as the profound reasons and prayers associated with them, all of which aim to enhance human wellbeing.

Mandala Painting: An Art of Precision

Our guide at Bhaktapur Durbar Square, took us through the cobbled streets of Bhaktapur Durbar Square, and showed us the skilled artisans hunched over their canvases, meticulously crafting mandalas. Each stroke was deliberate, each color chosen with care. It was evident that this art form demanded unwavering attention to detail and precision.

Mandala Painting, 10 September 2023

The creation of mandalas is not just about aesthetics; it's a spiritual journey. The intricate patterns and meticulous craftsmanship reflect the belief that the process of creating these works of art is as important as the end result. It's a form of meditation for the artists, a way to connect with the divine, and a means to channel positive energy into the universe.

The Reasons and Prayers Behind Mandala Painting

In Nepal, mandalas are not mere decorations; they hold deep spiritual significance. These circular designs symbolize the universe, representing the interconnectedness of all things. They are often used as tools for meditation and are believed to promote healing and self-discovery.

During my visit, I learned that mandalas are created with specific intentions. Artists infuse their work with prayers for human wellbeing, peace, and harmony. It's a way to send positive energy and intentions out into the world. As I watched the artists at work, I couldn't help but feel the sense of tranquility and serenity that enveloped the square.

Human Wellbeing and Mandala Painting

The prayers and intentions embedded in mandala painting are aimed at enhancing human wellbeing. They serve as a reminder that we are all interconnected, and by promoting positivity and balance in the universe, we can improve our own lives as well.

As I left after observing the Mandala Painting, I carried with me not only the visual beauty of mandala paintings but also the spiritual and emotional depth behind them. It was a reminder of the power of art to transcend the superficial and touch the soul.

Mandala painting in Bhaktapur Durbar Square is a testament to the harmonious blend of art, spirituality, and culture in Nepal. It's a tradition that has survived the test of time and continues to inspire awe in those who witness its creation. These intricate artworks, with their meticulous craftsmanship and profound prayers, offer not just visual delight but also a deeper connection to the essence of human wellbeing.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

When it comes to air travel, we've all heard our fair share of stories, both good and bad. So, when I booked a flight with Gulf Air from Delhi to Amman via Bahrain in late August 2023, I have to admit I had some reservations. Online reviews for Gulf Air were mixed. However, what unfolded during my journey left me pleasantly surprised, and I'm happy to share my positive experience.

A Clean and Neat Aircraft

As I boarded the Gulf Air flight in Delhi, my initial impressions were overwhelmingly positive. The aircraft was not only neat but also impeccably clean. It's a reassuring sight, especially considering the times we live in, to see an airline take hygiene and cleanliness seriously. The cabin crew greeted passengers with warm smiles and an eagerness to assist. This set the tone for what would turn out to be a delightful journey.

A Premium Flight Experience

Once settled in, I noticed that the seating was comfortable, and the legroom was more than adequate, even for a long-haul flight. The in-flight entertainment system (QR code based) offered a wide selection of movies and TV shows to keep passengers entertained throughout the journey. The meals served on board were also a highlight. The selection of dishes was impressive, and the quality of food surpassed my expectations. Gulf Air truly knows how to elevate the dining experience at 30,000 feet.

A Smooth Layover at Bahrain Airport

My flight itinerary had a layover at Bahrain International Airport, and I was pleasantly surprised by the airport's modern and efficient facilities. The airport was clean, well-organized, and offered a variety of dining and shopping options to keep travelers occupied during their layovers. The airport staff were helpful and made the transit experience hassle-free. It was a brief but enjoyable stopover that made the journey even more pleasant.

Jaipur Indo Asian at Bahrain Airport

Jaipur Indo Asian at Bahrain Airport

In the end, my journey from Delhi to Amman via Bahrain with Gulf Air was a pleasant surprise. It proved that sometimes, online reviews don't tell the whole story, and you have to experience it for yourself to truly appreciate it.

The combination of a clean and well-maintained aircraft, a premium flight experience, and a smooth layover at Bahrain Airport made this journey with Gulf Air one to remember. It's reassuring to know that there are airlines out there committed to delivering a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience.

So, if you're considering Gulf Air for your next travel, I wholeheartedly recommend it based on my positive experience.