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37 posts tagged with "people"

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· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Turning a space into a home

Today, I met Parth and Divya - a lovely warm couple. Parth is my friend from school and a terrific salesperson. We regularly catchup in Gurgaon over chai and today we met over dinner at his newly setup home - an apartment on the 10th floor, overlooking a water fountain. Creating a home that reflects your personality, lifestyle, and values. Like themselves, they have also setup the home tastefully and kudos to Divya & Parth for the work over the last few months.

A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.

Pizza, Music and Pan

We enjoyed pizzas for dinner, listened to a variety of music genres - Punjabi pop, Punjabi deep house, electronic music from UK. We discussed the recommendation algorithms of Youtube vs Spotify. We ended the evening with a drive nearby and saada pan. A perfect end to a lazy Sunday.

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

18 month old

Idika Parashar, nicknamed Oshee, is my niece and is exactly 1.5 years old today. We stepped out for a family dinner to Fort Jaipur.

The anticipation and excitement of planning a birthday party, selecting a theme, and choosing gifts for the little one is palpable for the family. While she is too young right now to eat most foods at an Indian restaurant, we enjoyed a lot of greasy food and cake while she enjoyed a bowl of jeera rice. Awaiting the upcoming years to visit her favorite restaurants in the coming years as she builds her taste buds. Happy 18 month birthday Oshee!

Idika Parashar 18 month old on 18 April 2023

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Story updates

In this visit to Jaipur, I got connected to several friends and acquaintances due to the habit of posting swimming or exercise stories on Instagram and Whatsapp.

I have not been active on Social Media for year, possibly because of the need of perfection. Since February 2023, I consistently post about my swim in the morning. It is a part of my goal to swim 500 km in 2023 and posting has helped me connect with like-minded friends.


As with most things in life, consistency is key. And I have been consistent in posting the story updates for the last 60 days.

Today, I met two of my acquaintances due to the stories updates. The initial conversation was almost identical - you are already in Jaipur and you did not make a plan to catch up in advance. I saw your story, let's catchup.

Stories were introduced by Instagram in August 2016. They are powerful and consumed by a lot of people. Most people end up consuming content on Social Media, it is quite powerful when you share life updates via Stories. It is a great way to connect with like minded people.

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

We can learn a lot from kids

Idika Parashar, nicknamed Oshee, is my niece and is around 1.5 years old now. She lives in Dubai and is a happy kid. It is always a delight when she comes and kids in general are brilliant. Spending even as little as 10 minutes with a kid improves your mood, happiness and reduces stress.

Idika Parashar visit to Gurgaon 2023

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Walk and talk

It is much nicer to have conversations while walking. The consistent change of scenery brings freshness and adds to the pace of the conversation. I met friend, Parth Joshi today over a cup of chai and ended up walking and talking for over an hour.

Add to the reading list

I ended up adding a few new books to my reading list:

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Photo sharing experiment

I am not active on social media. I do browse around and consume content but I have never been active in posting on social media. It is not an active choice but as a private person, I tend not to post or interact with what others are posting. As an experiment, I did the following:

  • Started posting every day about my swim. I did it via stories on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp
  • Started posting every 2 weeks about significant life events. Eg anniversary of my parents

Observations about self

After performing the activity for around 15 days, I observed the following:

  • I felt a dopamine loop started kicking in after the 7th days - updating others about what I am doing -> them asking about it -> me wanting to update them more about it.
  • I felt curious about the statistics - reach, speed of reach and interactions of others with my posts. I felt it has a positive feedback loop too.

Observations about others

I observed the following about my social network friends:

  • Many of them interacted my stories on the same time of the day. My guess it that social media is a routine for them, for example, first thing in the day or scrolling in bed at night
  • Many of my friends discussed about the photo shared in face to face meetings. It was quite unexpected as it is opposite to what the social media product intends to do.

Dopamine Rush

Dopamine is a really powerful ingredient in the success of social media. I do not find being active on Instagram / Whatsapp to be of much use for me personally. A powerful fact which I looped back to, from the book Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention

Screen time: For the average American, it’s three hours and fifteen minutes. We touch our phones 2,617 times every twenty-four hours.

He adds further about the nature of use of social media. If you are consuming hours of content on social media - thinking that you are being in touch - you are wrong, you are distracting yourself with what others are updating you about!

It’s when you set aside your distractions, he said, that you begin to see what you were distracting yourself from.

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

What is nuisance value

Relationships, either personal or business, create situations where people find themselves in the position of nuisance. Typically, in such a case, they are unable to create value for the organization, for themselves or for those near them. But they are capable of causing inconvenience or annoyance. Most rational individuals avoid conflicts, look at the bigger picture but under such circumstances, they are tempted to milk the nuisance.

Nuisance value in business

In businesses, both velocity and acceleration in decision are important for generating meaningful outcomes. In India, a lot of compliances are needed by the Govt of India including signing of documents by Directors. Ofcourse, they are rightfully placed to ensure the checks and balances in Private Organizations.

Many a times, businesses are stalled, demotivated, threatened by the Directors for appeasing their own ego. Negative outcomes are part and parcel of business, nuisance is both negative and demotivating for most businesses.