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37 posts tagged with "people"

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· 4 min read
Gaurav Parashar

In our bustling society, it's easy to get caught up in the fast-paced adult world, often forgetting the simple joys that children effortlessly embrace. However, spending an evening with my charming almost 2-year-old niece, Oshee, reminded me of the magic that lies within the world of children. Join me as I share the memorable experience we had in the kids play area of our society, where laughter, exploration, and life lessons were in abundance.

Slides and Toys in the Garden

The kids play area in our society is a haven for little ones, equipped with colorful slides, swings, and an assortment of toys. As soon as we stepped foot into the garden, Oshee's eyes lit up with excitement. She eagerly made her way to the slides, her tiny feet shuffling with determination. With each descent down the slide, her laughter filled the air, and her infectious joy became impossible to resist. Together, we explored various play structures and engaged in imaginative play with the toys, creating endless stories and unforgettable moments.

Fountain Rides and Playful Walks

Adjacent to the play area, a captivating fountain mesmerized us with its rhythmic water displays. Oshee's face lit up as she witnessed the dancing streams of water. Seizing the opportunity, I hoisted her onto my shoulders, and together we strolled alongside the fountains. Her delighted giggles resonated through the air, blending harmoniously with the bubbling water sounds. The world seemed to slow down as we savored this carefree moment, her tiny hands gently tapping my head in sheer delight.

Interacting with Other Kids

Children possess an innate ability to bond and connect effortlessly. Oshee, true to her nature, fearlessly approached other kids playing in the society. She reached out with open arms, extending an invitation to share in the joyous experience. The kids reciprocated Oshee's warmth, their laughter echoing through the play area. Their uninhibited enthusiasm and unadulterated interactions served as a powerful reminder of the beauty that lies in embracing others, regardless of differences.

Life Lessons from Children

As adults, we often get entangled in the complexities of life, losing sight of the invaluable lessons that children can teach us. Here are five important lessons we can learn from children, especially their innocence, curiosity, and fearlessness:

  1. Innocence: Children possess a genuine and untarnished innocence that reminds us to approach life with open hearts and trust in the goodness of others. Embracing this innocence allows us to see the world through a lens of wonder and joy.

  2. Curiosity: Children are natural explorers, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the world around them. By fostering our own curiosity, we can tap into a wellspring of knowledge, growth, and creativity.

  3. Fearlessness: Children often fearlessly leap into new experiences, unafraid of failure or judgment. Embracing their fearlessness can liberate us from self-imposed limitations, enabling us to pursue our dreams and aspirations with unwavering determination.

  4. Living in the Present: Children effortlessly inhabit the present moment, finding joy in the simplest of experiences. By embracing mindfulness and being fully present in our own lives, we can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the beauty and richness that surrounds us.

  5. Authenticity: Children are unapologetically themselves, embracing their quirks and unique personalities. By embracing our own authenticity, we can foster meaningful connections, cultivate self-acceptance, and inspire others to do the same.

My evening with Oshee in the kids play area of our society was a remarkable journey into the world of innocence, joy, and valuable life lessons. As we explored the slides, toys, and fountains, Oshee's infectious laughter and carefree spirit filled the air, reminding me of the magic that lies within every child. Interacting with other children further emphasized the profound lessons we can learn from their innate qualities. Let us cherish these invaluable teachings and strive to embrace the innocence, curiosity, fearlessness, and authenticity that children embody, allowing their spirit to enrich our lives.

So, next time you find yourself caught up in the complexities of adult life, take a moment to reconnect with your inner child and rediscover the wonders that lie within.

Fun with Oshee, 7 July 2023

Fun with Oshee, 7 July 2023

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Birthdays are special occasions that allow us to pause and express our heartfelt gratitude and love for the people who have had a significant impact on our lives. Today, on the momentous occasion of my dad, Abhay Parashar's 66th birthday, I want to take a moment to honor and appreciate the remarkable person he is. His unwavering support, guidance, and boundless love have shaped us into the individuals we are today. Join me in celebrating this remarkable milestone and wishing him a long and happy life filled with joy and contentment.

A Beacon of Guidance and Inspiration

Throughout our lives, our father has been a constant source of guidance, showing us the way during times of uncertainty and doubt. His wisdom and insightful advice have helped us navigate life's challenges with resilience and determination. No matter the situation, he always remains calm and composed, providing a steady hand to lean on.

Not only has our dad been a guiding light, but he has also been a true inspiration. His dedication to his work and his unwavering commitment to excellence have instilled in us a strong work ethic and the belief that with passion and perseverance, we can achieve anything we set our minds to. Dad, your accomplishments and achievements continue to motivate us to reach for the stars.

A Heart Full of Love

Above all, our dad's love knows no bounds. His unwavering affection, warmth, and care have nurtured us throughout our lives. Whether it was cheering us on during our successes, offering a shoulder to lean on during difficult times, or simply being there to listen, his love has been a constant presence in our lives.

Dad, your love has taught us the importance of compassion, empathy, and kindness. Your unconditional support has given us the confidence to chase our dreams and believe in ourselves. On this special day, we want to express our deepest gratitude for the love you have showered upon us.

As we gather to celebrate Abhay Parashar's 66th birthday, let us cherish the remarkable man he is. His guidance, inspiration, and love have shaped us into the individuals we are today. We are grateful for the countless life lessons and the unwavering support he has provided throughout the years. On this milestone birthday, we wish him a long and happy life filled with good health, joy, and the fulfillment of all his dreams. Happy Birthday, Dad! May your journey ahead be as extraordinary as you are.

Birthday Celebration, Abhay Parashar, 27 June 2023

Birthday Celebration, Abhay Parashar, 27 June 2023

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

There's something truly magical about the arrival of a loved one, especially when it's a little bundle of joy like Oshee! As the adorable 20-month-old daughter of Abhijit and Avani Parashar, Oshee is all set to embark on a delightful journey from Dubai to India.

Captivated by her Playfulness

It is remarkable to witness Oshee's playful spirit and unbounded energy. Her infectious giggles reverberated through the air as she gleefully explored her surroundings, her tiny feet carrying her from one curiosity to the next. With every step she took, we marveled at her growing confidence and inquisitive nature.

The Language of Love

Language proved to be no barrier in our interactions with Oshee. While her vocabulary was limited, her expressive eyes and animated gestures conveyed volumes. It is fascinating to witness her curiosity as she pointed at things around her, seeking explanations and sharing her delight with everyone present. Each conversation, though wordless, held a deep connection and profound meaning.

Little Oshee's visit to India is a joyous occasion that fills our hearts with love, laughter, and boundless happiness. Oshee's infectious spirit and blossoming personality continue to inspire us all, reminding us of the beauty and innocence that reside within every child. Here's to the incredible journey of watching Oshee grow and flourish, embracing the wonders of childhood together.

Oshee or Idika Parashar, 25 June 2023

Oshee or Idika Parashar, 25 June 2023

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Motorbikes have an undeniable allure that captures the hearts of riders around the world. The freedom, exhilaration, and adrenaline rush that come with riding a bike create a deep and passionate connection. Among motorcycle enthusiasts, the love for their two-wheeled companions knows no bounds. I have noticed over time the profound affection people have for their motorbikes, while specifically highlighting the unique bond Royal Enfield owners share with their iconic machines.

A Love Beyond Words: Motorbike Obsession

Motorbikes have the uncanny ability to ignite a passion that transcends mere transportation. The powerful roar of the engine, the wind in the face, and the sense of adventure on the open road form an intoxicating combination. Riders develop a strong emotional attachment to their bikes, often considering them an extension of their own personality and identity. Whether it's the sleek design, the exhilarating speed, or the feeling of liberation that comes with each ride, the love for motorbikes is a sentiment cherished by riders worldwide.

Royal Enfield: A Bond Like No Other

Among the diverse range of motorcycles available, Royal Enfield holds a special place in the hearts of its owners. The legendary brand has been crafting timeless bikes for over a century, embodying a heritage of style, durability, and nostalgia. Royal Enfield owners not only appreciate the impeccable craftsmanship and the powerful thump of their engines but also become part of a passionate community that shares a deep bond. The brand's rich history, combined with its classic aesthetics and enduring reliability, creates a unique love affair that transcends time and trends.

The Orange Royal Enfield in Parking

In the heart of our apartment society resides an individual who radiates their love for their Royal Enfield in a distinctive manner. With an unmistakable flair, this resident parks their vibrant orange Royal Enfield motorcycle right in the center of a car parking slot. The boldness and confidence displayed by this act reflect the deep attachment and pride they have for their prized possession. It becomes a talking point among neighbors and passerby, emphasizing how their motorbike holds a special place in their heart. This resident's unique parking choice serves as a testament to the indescribable passion that Royal Enfield owners have for their bikes, making a statement without uttering a word.

Royal enfield in parking

The love for motorbikes is a force that cannot be easily explained but is deeply cherished by riders. The thrill of the ride, the connection with the road, and the sense of freedom create an extraordinary bond between riders and their bikes. Royal Enfield owners, in particular, experience a distinct level of devotion, appreciating the brand's heritage and the timeless appeal of their motorcycles. Their passion is tangible, as seen through unique displays such as the orange Royal Enfield parked in the center of a car parking slot, showcasing the distinctive love that sets Royal Enfield owners apart. Ultimately, the love for motorbikes and the special affection for Royal Enfield motorcycles exemplify the remarkable relationship between riders and their beloved two-wheeled companions.

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

College friends

My uncle, Ashutosh Pathak and my father Abhay Parashar are junior and senior from Govind Ballabh Pant University.

At my cousin's wedding yesterday, many old friends of my uncle and father met after a long time. There's something magical about reconnecting with old friends, especially those from our formative years. After almost four decades, the opportunity to meet and reminisce with friends from engineering college is a truly remarkable experience.

Journey Down Memory Lane

Reuniting with college friends transports them back to a time when they were young, full of dreams, and eager to conquer the world. As conversations unfold, anecdotes and shared experiences resurface, breathing life into forgotten tales. Laughter ensues as they relive the pranks, late-night study sessions, and adventures that once defined the college years.

The friends you make in college are friends you’ll have for life, even if you don’t talk for years at a time.

Reflecting on Life's Twists and Turns

As they engaged in heartfelt conversations, they discover the various paths friends have traversed. Some may have pursued illustrious careers, while others may have embraced different passions and pursuits. Each story is a testament to the diversity of life's choices and the resilience of the human spirit.

Meeting old friends from engineering college after nearly four decades is a rare and precious occasion. It offered them a chance to relive cherished memories, reconnect with kindred spirits, and appreciate the twists and turns that life has taken.

Ashutosh Pathak and Abhay Parashar, Delhi June 2023

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Celebrating Love and Togetherness

Today, we gather to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Anagh Pathak and Sakshi as they embark on this incredible chapter of their lives. Their wedding, held at the elegant ITC Sheraton Saket, marks a joyous occasion filled with love, happiness, and cherished memories.

The ITC Sheraton Saket served as a stunning backdrop for your wedding festivities. Its exquisite ambiance and attention to detail created an atmosphere of elegance and enchantment. From the grand entrance to the meticulously decorated spaces, every aspect of the venue accentuated the beauty of your special day.

Anagh Pathak wedding - 3 June 2023

· One min read
Gaurav Parashar

Embracing Freedom

Retirement marks the beginning of a new chapter in life, a time to pursue passions, relax, and explore the world. For many individuals, including my aunt, Preeti Gautam, retirement has become a gateway to embark on exciting travel adventures.

As all our family gathered for my cousin's wedding, we had a quick relaxing dinner with my aunt and my parents at my house. Impromptu, with no agenda - just conversations and breaking bread.

Dinner with aunt, Preeti Gautam

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Unexpected challenges

Life often throws unexpected challenges our way, testing our resilience and determination. Apoorva Pathak, my cousin, faced an unimaginable struggle when she met with a road accident in 2018, resulting in a spinal injury that left her paralyzed from the waist down. She endured innumerable hardships and struggles on her path to recovery, and I would like to focus on her remarkable transformation from a devastated medical student to a resilient and accomplished individual.

Brutal accident

1. Devastating Setback

The accident not only left Apoorva physically impaired but also shattered her dreams of becoming a doctor. As an aspiring MBBS student, she was full of enthusiasm and hope for the future. The sudden loss of mobility and independence brought her world crashing down. The transition from an able-bodied individual to someone with paraplegia was undoubtedly one of the most difficult phases of her life.

2. Physical and Emotional Challenges

Apoorva's spinal injury required intensive medical care and prolonged rehabilitation. She had to undergo multiple surgeries and endure grueling physiotherapy sessions to regain some functionality. Beyond the physical pain, she also grappled with emotional turmoil, experiencing feelings of frustration, helplessness, and even depression. The loss of her dreams added to her emotional burden, leaving her feeling lost and uncertain about her future.

3. Adapting to a New Reality

Despite the immense challenges, Apoorva showed remarkable resilience and determination. With the support of family, she gradually learned to adapt to her new reality. She embraced assistive devices and technologies that helped her regain some independence, such as a wheelchair and specialized equipment for mobility. Through sheer determination, she began to build a new life, accepting her circumstances while refusing to let them define her.

4. Pursuing a New Path

Rather than succumbing to despair, Apoorva decided to redirect her focus towards a different academic pursuit. She made the courageous choice to switch from medicine to pursue a degree in the humanities. This shift allowed her to explore new areas of interest and provided her with a fresh perspective on life. Apoorva's decision to study BA in Rampur marked the beginning of a transformative journey that showcased her indomitable spirit.

Triumph and Recognition

In 2023, Apoorva's unwavering dedication and perseverance bore fruit. She not only completed her BA with distinction but was also recognized as the college topper in her new course. This achievement not only symbolizes her academic excellence but also highlights her extraordinary determination to overcome obstacles. Apoorva's journey from the depths of despair to academic success serves as a testament to her resilience and unwavering commitment to self-improvement.

My sister's story is a powerful testament to the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The road accident that left her paralyzed brought her dreams to a halt, but it could not dampen her indomitable spirit. Through her unwavering determination and resilience, Apoorva has not only overcome physical and emotional hardships but has also excelled academically. Her remarkable transformation from a devastated medical student to the college topper in her new course is a true inspiration for me. Apoorva teaches me that with perseverance, hard work, and a positive mindset, we can overcome even the most daunting challenges that life presents us.

Apoorva Pathak 2023 BA Topper Award

Apoorva Pathak 2023 BA Topper Certificate

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Roads accidents in Uttar Pradesh

Today, I got to know about the accident of my cousin's car around Gajraula. Thank god, he was safe and unharmed after the accident. This is the third accident in my extended family around the same area within Uttar Pradesh. In all the three incidents, the airbags were deployed and the car was noticeably damaged.

Typically, a front airbag will deploy for unbelted occupants when the crash is the equivalent of an impact into a rigid wall at 10-12 mph. Most airbags will deploy at a higher threshold — about 16 mph (~25 kmh) — for belted occupants because the belts alone are likely to provide adequate protection up to these moderate speeds.

Expressways and safety

Road safety has been poor in India since I have been driving. Blatant disregard of traffic rules and poor driving etiquettes are common in cities. The new expressways are a lot better to drive upon with clearly marked speed limits, modular flow of traffic, appropriate exits and better lighting. All said, in India, it is your responsibility to anticipate the other person's fault while driving.

Road Accident - Pradeep Parashar - April 2023

Gajraula Road Accident 2023 - Pradeep Parashar