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9 posts tagged with "how-to"

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· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Life is an intricate web of never-ending queries, a constant stream of questions that flows through our daily existence. These questions come from various sources—family, friends, colleagues, and even our inner selves. They range from the mundane "What's for dinner?" to the profound "What's the meaning of life?" While many of these questions are harmless, they can add a considerable mental load to our already bustling lives. With practice, one can learn the art of simplifying your day and improving your lifestyle by addressing these persistent questions.

The Weight of Everyday Questions

Each day, we are bombarded with numerous questions that, although well-intentioned, can take a toll on our mental bandwidth. These seemingly innocent inquiries often lead to decision fatigue and hinder our ability to focus on what truly matters.

  • "What's for dinner?" - A seemingly trivial question, but deciding what to cook every day can be exhausting.
  • "What should I wear?" - Morning wardrobe decisions can feel like an unnecessary burden.
  • "What's your plan for the weekend?" - While social plans are enjoyable, they can also add stress to your schedule.
  • "How was your day?" - A common question that sometimes feels like a mandatory report.
  • "What do you think about this?" - Friends and family seek our opinions, but constant requests can be overwhelming.

The relentless flow of these inquiries occupies significant mindspace, causing stress and anxiety. The good news is, there are ways to address and simplify these questions, making room for a more tranquil and focused lifestyle.

Tips for Simplifying Your Day

  • Create a Weekly Meal Plan: Answering the "What's for dinner?" question can be simplified by creating a weekly meal plan. It reduces the daily decision-making stress and streamlines your grocery shopping.

  • Adopt a Capsule Wardrobe: A capsule wardrobe consists of a curated collection of essential clothing items that can be mixed and matched. Simplify your morning routine by reducing the choices and making it easier to decide what to wear.

  • Prioritize Personal Time: When planning your weekend, prioritize personal time. Don't feel obligated to say yes to every social engagement. A relaxed weekend can be just as rewarding as a busy one.

  • Practice Mindful Communication: When answering questions like "How was your day?" or "What do you think about this?" focus on meaningful exchanges. This can lead to deeper connections with those around you and fewer repetitive conversations.

  • Establish Boundaries: It's okay to set boundaries when it comes to questions. Let your loved ones know when you need uninterrupted time to work, relax, or recharge. Open communication can help them understand your needs.

Questions are an integral part of our lives, but they can sometimes be overwhelming. By addressing these questions proactively and employing strategies to simplify your daily routines, you can reclaim your mental space and improve your overall lifestyle. Remember, it's not about avoiding questions altogether but finding a balance that allows you to focus on what truly matters. So, the next time someone asks, "What's for dinner?" you'll have a plan in place, and a bit more peace of mind too.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Filling up our petrol tank is a routine task we often take for granted. We pull into a petrol station, swipe our cards or hand over cash, and expect to receive the correct amount of fuel for our payment. However, recent incidents of frauds and overbilling at petrol pumps have made it clear that we can no longer be complacent when it comes to fueling up our vehicles. Yesterday, I avoided overbilling at a petrol pump nearby and I am writing to explain why it's crucial to stay vigilant to protect your hard-earned money.

The Growing Concern - Fraud and Overbilling

Fuel pump frauds and overbilling have become a growing concern for consumers across the globe. This deceptive practice occurs when petrol pump attendants manipulate the fuel dispensing meters or inflate the billed amount, resulting in customers paying more than they should for their fuel. While this problem has been around for a while, it seems to persist despite various preventive measures.

Why Vigilance is Crucial

Yesterday, I had a personal encounter with this issue that highlighted the importance of vigilance when refueling. As I pulled into Modern Fuels, Petrol Pump, Bharat Petroleum and tapped my card to pay for the fuel, I was initially oblivious to the potential threat of overbilling. However, something didn't seem right, and my gut feeling told me to be cautious. After receiving the nozzle and filling my tank, I asked for the bill. To my surprise, the amount on the bill was significantly higher than what I had expected. I immediately realized that I was a victim of overbilling. Without hesitation, I asked for the manager of the petrol pump to come and discuss the matter.

Frauds at Modern Fuels, Petrol Pump, Bharat Petroleum, 14 September 2023

Taking Action Against Fraud

Upon the manager's arrival, I calmly explained the situation, emphasizing that I had been overcharged for my fuel. I also mentioned that I had observed some suspicious behavior from the staff during the refueling process. The manager was understanding and promptly reviewed the situation. It was evident that the pump attendant had overbilled. This unethical behavior was not only a breach of trust but also a violation of the law.

Protecting Yourself from Fuel Pump Frauds

While my incident had a positive outcome, not every situation may be resolved as easily. To protect yourself from fuel pump frauds and overbilling, here are some essential tips:

1. Stay Vigilant: Pay close attention to the fuel meter while refueling. Ensure it starts from zero and stops promptly when you finish.

2. Ask for a Bill: Always ask for a printed bill, even if you're using a tap-to-pay card. Verify the amount on the bill before leaving the petrol station.

3. Use Tap-to-Pay Cards with Caution: While tap-to-pay cards offer convenience, they can also make it easier for fraudsters to overbill you. Always double-check the amount charged.

4. Report Suspicious Activity: If you notice anything unusual or suspicious behavior at the petrol pump, report it to the station manager or contact the authorities if necessary.

Fuel pump frauds and overbilling are issues that affect consumers globally. As I experienced firsthand, vigilance is your best defense against falling victim to these scams. Remember to be attentive when filling up your tank, ask for a bill, and review your payment statements. By staying alert and informed, you can protect your wallet and contribute to a safer and more honest refueling experience for all.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Our smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives, housing a plethora of apps designed to simplify and enhance various aspects of our daily routine. However, over time, our smartphones can become cluttered with an overwhelming number of apps, each vying for our attention. As an entrepreneur, I've realized the importance of streamlining my digital life to stay focused and productive. Yesterday, I cleaned up my phone, removing a significant number of apps, and how this process will help me narrow my focus.

Cleaning House - From 110 to 40 Apps

One day, I decided it was time to take a long, hard look at my smartphone and the multitude of apps it housed. I was astonished to find that I had accumulated a staggering 110 apps over the last year. This realization was a wake-up call. I realized that many of these apps served little to no purpose in my daily life. It was time for a digital detox.

The process of decluttering your phone is liberating. I quickly evaluated each app's usefulness and relevance, and if an app didn't serve a significant purpose, it had to go. After filling an Excel sheet, I removed 70 out of the 110 apps, leaving me with a leaner and more focused set of 40 apps.

Symbolism in Decluttering

This process of cleaning up my phone goes beyond just digital organization; it's symbolic of narrowing my focus and simplifying my life. Much like an entrepreneur must prioritize tasks and goals to be successful, I realized that I needed to prioritize the apps and digital distractions in my life. By decluttering my phone, I'm actively choosing to concentrate on what truly matters to me.

A Year Without Notifications

Around a year ago, I made another significant change in my smartphone habits: I turned off notifications for most apps. This decision was a game-changer. No longer was my attention constantly hijacked by the incessant pings and buzzes from various apps. I felt a newfound sense of control over my device, allowing me to choose when and where I wanted to engage with my apps.

Rising Standards: The Quality of Apps

One noticeable change throughout my journey of app cleaning is the remarkable improvement in the quality of apps available. The bar has been set much higher, with developers constantly striving to deliver user-friendly, feature-rich apps that genuinely enhance our lives. The process of cleaning up my phone has allowed me to discover and appreciate these high-quality apps even more.

Cleaning up my phone, removing redundant apps, and eliminating notifications has been a transformative experience. It has not only simplified my digital life but also symbolized my commitment to narrowing my focus as an entrepreneur. The quality of apps available today has made this transition smoother, enabling me to work smarter and more efficiently. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the clutter of smartphone apps, I encourage you to embark on your own digital detox journey. You might be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your life and business.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

The ability to capture, organize, and retrieve information efficiently is a great edge. Enter Obsidian, a powerful software for notekeeping. With its markdown-based approach and innovative features, I like Obsidian for taking notes, especially when it comes to capturing the essence of interesting conversations and meetings. Obsidian is not just another note-taking app; it's a dynamic knowledge management system that thrives on the concept of interconnected notes. Built on the foundation of markdown language, it encourages simplicity, speed, and clarity. Markdown, a lightweight markup language, allows you to format text without the need for complex formatting tools. This makes note creation a breeze, leaving you to focus on the content itself.

Why Obsidian Stands Out

  1. Interconnected Notes: Obsidian's unique strength lies in its bidirectional linking system. Each note can be linked to other notes, creating a web of interconnected information. This fosters holistic understanding and enables you to trace the evolution of your thoughts.

  2. Graph View: Visual thinkers will appreciate the Graph View feature. It presents your notes as nodes in a graph, revealing the connections between them. This is immensely helpful for grasping the bigger picture and identifying relationships.

  3. Search and Discover: Obsidian's robust search capabilities make retrieving information a breeze. The tool's "backlinking" feature lets you see all the notes that link to a specific note, aiding in comprehensive exploration.

Taking Notes with Obsidian Notes

Taking notes during conversations and meetings is an art, and Obsidian can be your ultimate brush. Here's how:

  • Live Markdown Capture: Obsidian's distraction-free interface allows you to capture the essence of discussions in real-time using markdown. Use headers to separate topics, bullet points for key ideas, and formatting for emphasis.

  • Linking Ideas: In a brainstorming session? Create notes for each idea and link them to a central hub. This makes tracking the progression of ideas and identifying patterns a breeze.

  • Tagging and Summarizing: After the conversation, tag your notes with relevant keywords. This makes searching for specific topics or themes across conversations effortless. Additionally, write a brief summary note linking back to the detailed conversation notes for quick reference.

  • Backlink Exploration: When preparing for follow-up meetings, use Obsidian's backlinking feature to revisit previous discussions related to the topic. This ensures you're well-prepared and can build on previous insights.

But as with most things, note taking is a consistent habit and it takes time for you to perfect it.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Swimming isn't just a sport; it's a way of life for many. The freedom of gliding through water, the rush of endorphins, and the sense of achievement after a great swim are unparalleled. Just as important as the actual swimming experience is the care you give to your swimming gear. Regular maintenance ensures that your gear stays in top-notch condition, providing you with comfort and performance during every aquatic adventure.

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Imagine diving into the pool with a faded, ill-fitting swimsuit or goggles that fog up instantly. Not only can it hinder your performance, but it can also dampen your swimming experience. Regular maintenance of your swimming gear not only extends its lifespan but also enhances your comfort and performance.

Frequency of Washing and Maintenance

The frequency of washing your swimming gear depends on how often you swim. If you're a frequent swimmer, washing your gear every week is recommended. For occasional swimmers, a bi-weekly schedule should suffice. Adhering to a regular cleaning routine prevents the accumulation of chlorine, salt, sweat, and bacteria, which can degrade the fabric and affect the fit and functionality of your gear.

Best Practices for Washing Your Swimming Gear

  1. Rinse After Every Use: Rinse your gear with cool, fresh water immediately after each swim. This helps remove chlorine, salt, and any impurities that might have accumulated.

  2. Hand Wash: When it's time for a thorough cleaning, opt for gentle hand washing. Fill a basin with lukewarm water and a mild detergent. Gently agitate the water and immerse your swimsuit, goggles, and swim cap. Avoid wringing or twisting your gear, as it can damage the fabric.

  3. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Use a detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics. Harsh detergents can break down the elasticity of swimwear and cause fading.

  4. Gentle Scrubbing: For stubborn stains or residue, use a soft cloth or a gentle brush to lightly scrub the affected areas. Avoid vigorous scrubbing, as it can weaken the fabric fibers.

  5. Rinse Thoroughly: After washing, rinse your gear thoroughly with cool water to remove all traces of detergent.

  6. Drying: Gently press the excess water out of your gear and lay it flat on a clean towel to air dry. Avoid wringing or hanging your swimsuit, as it can stretch out the fabric.

  7. Storage: Once completely dry, store your gear in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Storing wet gear can lead to mold and mildew growth.

Investing time in the proper care of your swimming gear is a small effort that yields significant rewards. Regular maintenance not only preserves the quality and functionality of your gear but also enhances your overall swimming experience. By adhering to a simple routine of rinsing, hand washing, and careful drying, you ensure that your swimsuit, goggles, and swim cap are always in mint condition.

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Communal violence can erupt unexpectedly in any city, causing fear, unrest, and damage to communities. During such times, it is crucial to stay calm and act responsibly to avoid escalating tensions further. In today's digital age, social media and mobile apps play a significant role in disseminating information, but they can also be platforms for spreading rumors and misinformation. I am putting some tips to manage and navigate through communal violence, while also combating the spread of rumors and maintaining peace and safety.

Verify information before sharing

In times of crisis, people often turn to social media for real-time updates. However, it is essential to verify the authenticity of the information before sharing it with others. False information and rumors can exacerbate tensions and lead to unnecessary panic. Double-check the sources and cross-reference the details with reputable news outlets or official announcements before sharing any content on social media.

Limit Social Media usage

Excessive exposure to social media, especially Twitter, during times of communal violence can increase anxiety and stress levels. Limit your time spent on social media platforms, as an overload of information can be overwhelming and lead to a distorted perception of the situation. Instead, focus on credible sources of information and updates from local authorities and trusted news channels.

Promote Positive messaging

As an individual, you can play a vital role in promoting peace and unity. Use your social media platforms and mobile apps to spread positive and calming messages. Encourage others to remain calm, avoid rumors, and follow official guidelines. Sharing stories of communities coming together to support each other can also foster a sense of solidarity during challenging times.

Report and flag misinformation

Combatting the spread of rumors is a collective responsibility. Most social media platforms and mobile apps have mechanisms to report and flag misleading content or posts inciting violence. If you come across any false information, promptly report it to the platform administrators or use the designated reporting channels. By doing so, you contribute to keeping the digital space safer and more reliable.

Encourage dialogue and empathy

During communal violence, tensions can escalate quickly due to misunderstandings and biases. Encourage open dialogue and empathetic communication with others. Promote understanding, respect, and mutual acceptance across different communities. If you witness inflammatory discussions or hate speech on social media, engage respectfully or report the content to platform administrators.

· 5 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Planning an international trip can be both exciting and overwhelming. The allure of exploring new cultures, trying exotic cuisines, and visiting iconic landmarks is undeniable. However, the process of creating a well-rounded itinerary can often become a time-consuming and cumbersome task, leaving us drained even before the adventure begins. As someone who does not enjoy trip planning, I decided to try a different approach this time – using ChatGPT 3.5 to plan my week-long journey to Japan from New Delhi. To my surprise, the itinerary provided by ChatGPT turned out to be not only comprehensive but also strikingly similar to what I had found on various web resources, saving me significant time and effort.

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT 3.5

ChatGPT 3.5, an advanced language model by OpenAI, is a powerful tool that can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. It has been trained on a vast range of internet data and has access to a wealth of information up until September 2021. Armed with this knowledge, I decided to put ChatGPT to the test and seek assistance in planning my trip to Japan.

The Itinerary: 90% Match from Most Web Resources

Upon asking ChatGPT 3.5 to plan a one-week trip to Japan from New Delhi, the response was remarkably detailed and encompassing. The suggested itinerary included must-visit destinations such as Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, along with specific attractions, like Meiji Shrine, Fushimi Inari Taisha, and Osaka Castle. It also featured day trips to places like Nikko and Nara, allowing for a wholesome exploration of Japan's cultural and natural wonders.

I cross-referenced ChatGPT's itinerary with multiple web resources, including travel blogs, tourism websites, and trip planning forums. To my surprise, approximately 90% of the information provided by ChatGPT was in line with what I found online. From the recommended places to visit to the tips on using Japan Rail Pass for travel and experiencing a traditional tea ceremony, ChatGPT had covered it all.

Time-Saving Solution for Trip Planning

As someone who finds trip planning a time sink, leveraging ChatGPT 3.5 proved to be a game-changer. The language model's ability to curate a comprehensive itinerary in a matter of seconds saved me hours of research and deliberation. Instead of browsing countless websites and reading through lengthy travel guides, I had a well-structured plan at my disposal, ready to be customized to my preferences.

Planning an international trip from New Delhi to Japan with ChatGPT 3.5 proved to be an incredibly efficient and time-saving solution. The itinerary generated by the language model closely aligned with reputable web resources, offering a reliable and well-rounded plan for my week-long adventure. By offloading the task of trip planning to ChatGPT, I was able to focus on the aspects of travel that I truly enjoy, such as immersing myself in new cultures and creating lasting memories.

So, if you're someone who finds trip planning tedious and overwhelming, consider giving ChatGPT 3.5 a try. Embrace the convenience and efficiency of this advanced language model to unlock a seamless and hassle-free journey to your dream destination.

Prompt: Plan a 1 week trip to Japan


Planning a one-week trip to Japan is an exciting endeavor! Japan is a country with a rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and a perfect blend of traditional and modern elements. Below is a suggested itinerary for your trip:

Duration: 7 days

Destinations: Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka

Day 1: Arrival in Tokyo

Arrive in Tokyo, Japan's capital city. Check-in to your accommodation and rest after your journey. Spend the evening exploring the vibrant neighborhood of Shibuya, famous for its bustling streets and iconic Shibuya Crossing. Day 2: Tokyo Sightseeing

Visit the Meiji Shrine, a serene Shinto shrine set in a beautiful forested area. Explore Harajuku, known for its quirky fashion and trendy shops. Head to Asakusa to see the historic Senso-ji Temple and browse Nakamise Street for souvenirs. Enjoy the views from Tokyo Skytree, one of the tallest towers in the world. Day 3: Day Trip to Nikko

Take a day trip to Nikko, a town famous for its elaborate Toshogu Shrine and stunning natural beauty. Marvel at the intricately decorated shrine and enjoy the surrounding lush landscapes. Day 4: Bullet Train to Kyoto

Travel to Kyoto via the Shinkansen (bullet train), a memorable experience in itself. Arrive in Kyoto, a city known for its traditional temples, gardens, and geisha culture. Visit the Fushimi Inari Taisha, famous for its thousands of vibrant red torii gates. Day 5: Kyoto Exploration

Explore the Arashiyama district, known for the enchanting Bamboo Grove and beautiful Togetsukyo Bridge. Visit Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) and Ryoan-ji Temple, known for its minimalist Zen rock garden. In the evening, experience a traditional tea ceremony. Day 6: Day Trip to Nara and Osaka

Take a day trip to Nara, the ancient capital of Japan. Visit Todai-ji Temple, home to Japan's largest bronze Buddha statue. Head to Osaka, a modern and lively city known for its street food and entertainment. Day 7: Osaka Sightseeing and Departure

Explore Osaka Castle, a symbol of the city's history. Stroll through Dotonbori and try local street food like takoyaki and okonomiyaki. If time permits, visit the Umeda Sky Building for a panoramic view of the city. Depart from Osaka or head to the airport for your return journey. Tips:

Consider getting a Japan Rail Pass if you plan to travel between cities. It offers great value for long-distance travel by train. Use Suica or Pasmo cards for convenient payment on public transportation. Research and respect local customs and etiquette, especially when visiting temples and shrines. Try traditional Japanese cuisine like sushi, ramen, and tempura for an authentic food experience. Book accommodations in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.

This itinerary will give you a taste of some of Japan's most iconic cities and experiences. Keep in mind that Japan has much more to offer, so feel free to adjust the itinerary based on your interests and preferences. Enjoy your trip!

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

In today's fast-paced fashion world, it is easy to fall into the trap of feeling the need to constantly wear something different in every season or year. The fashion industry perpetuates the idea that trends come and go, urging us to keep up with the latest styles. However, breaking free from this cycle and embracing personal style with continence can be liberating. By understanding that true fashion is not about conforming but about expressing ourselves authentically, we can find joy in what we wear and feel comfortable in our own skin. Additionally, initiatives like H&M's Garment Collecting programme provide an avenue for recycling and responsibly discarding old clothes, promoting sustainability in the industry.

Breaking the Cycle of Seasonal Fashion

The pressure to constantly update our wardrobes with the latest trends can lead to a fashion rut. It is important to remember that personal style is timeless and individual, transcending the constraints of seasonal fads. Rather than succumbing to the notion that we must wear something different each season, let's focus on building a wardrobe that reflects our unique personality and preferences. By investing in high-quality, versatile pieces, we can create a capsule wardrobe that withstands the test of time and allows for effortless mix-and-match outfits.

Embracing Personal Style and Confidence

Fashion should be a form of self-expression and a means of boosting our confidence. When we embrace our personal style with continence, we unlock the power of dressing for ourselves rather than seeking validation from others. This freedom allows us to choose clothes that make us feel comfortable, confident, and true to who we are. By curating a wardrobe that aligns with our individual tastes, we can step out into the world with self-assurance, knowing that our style is an extension of our unique identity.

So, strut your fashion rut with confidence. It’s the fashion industry that perpetuates the idea that we must always wear something different. - Marie Kondo in Kurashi at Home

H&M's Garment Collecting Programme: Promoting Sustainability

As we strive to redefine our relationship with fashion, sustainability becomes a crucial aspect to consider. H&M's Garment Collecting programme offers a commendable solution for responsibly discarding old clothes. Instead of letting unwanted garments gather dust in our closets, this initiative encourages us to recycle them. By dropping off our unwanted clothes at H&M stores, we contribute to the circular economy, where materials from old garments are repurposed or recycled to create new products. This sustainable approach helps reduce textile waste and minimizes the environmental impact of the fashion industry.

Strutting our fashion rut with continence means breaking free from the notion that we must constantly chase the latest trends. By embracing personal style and wearing what makes us feel comfortable and confident, we can enjoy fashion on our own terms. Let's remember that fashion is not about conforming but about expressing our individuality. Initiatives like H&M's Garment Collecting programme further promote sustainability in the industry, providing an avenue for recycling and responsibly discarding old clothes. By embracing our personal style and incorporating sustainable practices, we can cultivate a more fulfilling and conscientious approach to fashion.

· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

In recent times, the concept of remote work has become increasingly prevalent, necessitating the need for a well-equipped and organized home office. Recognizing the importance of continuity and efficiency in my work, I took the initiative to set up a home office that would enable me to seamlessly transition from the office environment to my personal workspace.

Gaming Desk

The 63-inch Vitesse Gaming Desk: A crucial aspect of any office setup is the desk, and after careful consideration, I chose the 63-inch Vitesse gaming desk. Its spacious surface area allows me to accommodate multiple monitors and other work essentials while providing ample space for paperwork. Additionally, the desk features thoughtful cable management solutions, ensuring a clutter-free workspace that enhances my productivity. I extend my gratitude to my colleagues who helped me research and select this desk, ensuring that it perfectly met my needs.

Gaming Chair

Green Soul Ultimate Monster (T) Gaming Chair: Recognizing the significance of a comfortable seating arrangement, I opted for the Green Soul Ultimate Monster (T) gaming chair. This ergonomic masterpiece provides excellent lumbar support, ensuring I can work for extended periods without discomfort or fatigue. The chair's adjustable features and superior build quality have undoubtedly boosted my productivity and overall well-being.

Ambient Lighting

Proper lighting plays a crucial role in creating an ideal work environment. To achieve the perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics, I incorporated a combination of desk lamps and ceiling lights in my home office. The warm glow emitted by the lamps creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere while reducing eye strain during long hours of work. I express my heartfelt thanks to my friend for gifting me the Ikea desk lamp.

Office Plants - Bringing Nature Indoors

Adding a touch of nature to my workspace was a priority for me. I carefully selected a few low-maintenance office plants, such as succulents and peace lilies, which not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the room but also purify the air, creating a fresh and invigorating atmosphere.


To strike a balance between natural light and privacy, I chose curtains that could be easily adjusted to control the amount of sunlight entering the room. This allows me to create an optimal working environment throughout the day.

Daily Planner - Staying Organized and Focused

A wall glued daily planner is an invaluable tool for keeping track of tasks, deadlines, and goals. By utilizing a well-designed planner, I can effectively manage my time and stay organized amidst the demands of remote work. I reused one of the Exam Planners which were conceptualized by Atul Mathur and me for Exambazaar. He is the Head of Marketing for all Consumer Brands of 3M in India and had helped customized these for Exambazaar customers.

Office Desk Setup

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Exambazaar 3M Customized Planner

3M Exambazaar Planner