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Make Time

Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky provide actionable insights to reclaim focus and reshape daily routines for a more fulfilling and intentional life.

Make Time: How to focus on what matters every dayMake Time: How to focus on what matters every day
AuthorsJake Knapp, John Zeratsky


Make Time, co-authored by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky, offers a practical and actionable approach to reclaiming control over our time and creating space for what truly matters in our lives. The book challenges the prevailing notion of being constantly busy and overwhelmed, presenting a framework that helps readers optimize their schedules and prioritize meaningful activities.

Knapp and Zeratsky draw from their experience as design partners and former Google employees to introduce the Make Time framework, consisting of four key steps: Highlight, Laser, Energize, and Reflect. The authors advocate for starting each day by identifying the one most important task or activity, the Highlight, and intentionally allocating time and attention to it, thereby avoiding the trap of endless to-do lists.

The book provides practical strategies to minimize distractions and increase focus, such as implementing daily "Laser" sessions, which are dedicated blocks of time for concentrated work. Knapp and Zeratsky also emphasize the significance of managing energy levels through deliberate choices regarding sleep, exercise, and diet, allowing individuals to maintain peak performance throughout the day.

Moreover, Make Time encourages readers to regularly reflect on their choices and adjust their schedules to align with their values and aspirations. The authors provide tools and techniques for evaluating and eliminating nonessential tasks, simplifying decision-making processes, and creating habits that support long-term well-being and fulfillment.

Through relatable anecdotes, research-based insights, and practical advice, Knapp and Zeratsky empower readers to take charge of their time, reduce stress, and live more intentionally. Make Time offers a refreshing perspective on time management, focusing on quality over quantity and enabling individuals to make room for the activities that truly matter to them.


  1. The Power of Prioritization: Make Time highlights the importance of intentional prioritization in managing our schedules. By identifying and focusing on the most important tasks or activities, individuals can avoid being overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list and instead direct their time and energy towards what truly matters.

  2. Embracing Focused Work: The book emphasizes the value of deep work and provides strategies for creating dedicated, distraction-free blocks of time. By implementing laser sessions and minimizing interruptions, individuals can enhance their productivity and accomplish meaningful work.

  3. Energy Management: Knapp and Zeratsky stress the significance of managing energy levels to optimize performance. By prioritizing sleep, exercise, and healthy habits, individuals can boost their focus, creativity, and overall well-being throughout the day.

  4. Reflection and Course Correction: Make Time encourages regular reflection on one's schedule and choices. By evaluating activities, eliminating nonessential tasks, and making adjustments, individuals can align their actions with their values and aspirations, leading to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

  5. Mindful Technology Use: The authors advocate for a mindful approach to technology, suggesting techniques such as setting boundaries, implementing digital detoxes, and using technology deliberately rather than being constantly reactive to notifications. This allows individuals to regain control over their attention and reduce distractions.

Make Time offers a practical and effective framework for reclaiming control over our time and prioritizing what truly matters. Knapp and Zeratsky provide actionable strategies and insights that empower readers to make intentional choices, reduce overwhelm, and create a meaningful and fulfilling daily routine. By implementing the Make Time principles, individuals can transform their relationship with time and lead a more focused, balanced, and purpose-driven life.