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· 3 min read
Gaurav Parashar

As the scorching summer sun beats down, it's not just humans who feel the discomfort of the rising temperatures. Our beloved pet dogs, especially those in North India, are used to living in comfort with temperatures similar to their handlers. However, the intense heat can take a toll on our furry friends, making it challenging for them to stay hydrated and cool.

The Struggle of North Indian Dogs

Dogs in North India are accustomed to living in a climate that mirrors the comfort of their human companions. The sudden onset of summer, with its soaring temperatures, can be a shock to their system. Unlike humans who can sweat to regulate body temperature, dogs primarily rely on panting to cool down. When the heat becomes unbearable, panting alone may not be sufficient to keep them comfortable.

Dehydration: A Serious Concern

One of the biggest challenges dogs face during summer is staying hydrated. The heat can quickly lead to dehydration, which can have serious health consequences. Signs of dehydration in dogs include excessive panting, lethargy, sunken eyes, and dry nose and gums. It's crucial to ensure that your dog always has access to fresh, clean water throughout the day.

##The Joy of Ice

Have you ever noticed how your dog goes crazy with happiness when you toss them a piece of ice? It's not just a playful gesture; it's a way for them to cool down instantly. The sensation of the cold ice in their mouth provides immediate relief from the heat. You can even make it a fun activity by freezing toys or treats in ice cubes, giving your dog a refreshing and entertaining way to beat the heat.

Tips to Keep Your Dog Cool

  1. Provide plenty of fresh, cool water: Make sure your dog has access to clean water at all times, both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Create shaded areas: Set up a comfortable spot for your dog to rest in the shade, away from direct sunlight.
  3. Avoid peak heat hours: Limit outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 11 am and 4 pm.
  4. Use cooling mats or vests: Invest in specialized cooling products designed for dogs to help them regulate their body temperature.
  5. Give them frozen treats: Freeze your dog's favorite treats or toys in ice cubes for a refreshing and engaging activity.
  6. Maintain a cool indoor environment: Ensure your home is well-ventilated and use fans or air conditioning to keep the indoor temperature comfortable.
  7. Groom your dog regularly: Brush your dog's coat to remove excess fur and help with air circulation close to their skin.

As responsible pet owners, it's our duty to ensure the well-being and comfort of our furry companions, especially during the challenging summer months. By understanding the struggles that dogs in North India face and implementing simple yet effective measures, we can help them stay cool, hydrated, and happy. Remember, a little extra care and attention can go a long way in keeping your dog healthy and comfortable throughout the summer.

· 2 min read
Gaurav Parashar

Pigeons, often considered the rats of the air, have found a new habitat in our urban spaces, causing a plethora of nuisances for homeowners. While these seemingly innocent birds may appear harmless, their presence can lead to significant health hazards and property damage. Pigeons can become a nuisance and post significant health risks.

The Pigeon Predicament

Pigeons are notorious for their unsolicited visits to our homes, especially flats and houses. Unlike their woodland counterparts, urban pigeons have adapted to living in close proximity to humans. Their roosting habits and lack of proper nesting etiquette make them a serious concern for homeowners.

Health Hazards

Pigeons, like rats, carry a host of health hazards. Their droppings can contain harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The accumulation of pigeon droppings can lead to respiratory issues, skin infections, and even transmit diseases. Moreover, the feathers and debris they leave behind can trigger allergies, making the air inside our homes less than desirable.

Dealing with the Pigeon Plague

1. Bird Netting

One effective method to deter pigeons is the use of bird netting. Install netting around balconies, windows, and other roosting spots to physically prevent pigeons from entering these spaces.

2. Fragrance as a Deterrent

Pigeons have a keen sense of smell, and certain scents repel them. Using fragrances like citrus or pepper can discourage pigeons from roosting in specific areas. Consider placing scented repellents strategically around your home.

3. Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit sounds that are bothersome to pigeons but are generally inaudible to humans. Install these devices in areas where pigeons frequent to discourage their presence.

A Funny Pigeon Tale

Picture this: A friend installs artificial grass on their balcony to create a cozy space overlooking the kitchen. The pigeons, with their unconventional nesting habits, decide that the artificial grass is the perfect spot to lay their eggs. A hilarious conversation ensues about how the pigeons turned the balcony into their maternity ward, leading to the destruction of the once-pristine artificial grass.

While pigeons might add a touch of urban wildlife to our surroundings, their presence often comes at a cost. From health hazards to property damage, dealing with pigeons requires proactive measures. Implementing bird netting, using fragrances, and exploring other deterrent methods can help maintain a pigeon-free living space. Stay vigilant, and don't let these airborne pests turn your home into their nesting ground.